[center][h1][b][i]Bleach: The Hollowing[/i][/b][/h1][/center] [hider=Plot]An increase in Hollows usually doesn't call for the increase in recruiting Shinigami. However, when they open a Garganta into the Rukongai directly and devastate the upper districts to take partial control of the lower districts, something must be done. Not only have the Hollow declared full-out war against the Gotei 13, but they are, ultimately, winning. With their own world as the battlefield, the enemy can lay siege to the Jurechi, currently Galway, Ireland, without consequence. Technology has come and gone in the World of the Living. With collapses of governments due to insufficient resources, many nations have claimed independence and keep themselves in neutrality. Eerily enough, the rest of the world has followed suit, it seems, and even the most developed nations have reverted back to subsistence farming. It's the most peaceful, and silent, the world has ever been. Still, education is a privilege and one that is not given out freely, as nations in the past have done. It is not completely inaccessible for most children, but the work on the farms outweighs that of education. For a full mind does not quench thirst or stave off hunger. Regardless of the ceaseless attacks upon Galway, they seem to flourish in this environment as they have for hundreds of years. Quincies and Full Bringers band together to keep their lands purged of the dangers the Hollows create. Lore has been born to prevent the creation of Hollows and to keep them away. Within the Seireitei, prospective Shinigami are, quite literally, hunted for efforts against Hollows. Many of the Captains, having been in such a position for too long, some might say, are rightfully displeased with this almost superfluous effort against the Hollow and their leaders, the fabled Vasto Lordes. Some believe in working for quality versus quantity while others avidly enforce the search for greater numbers within the ranks of Shinigami. With a civil war in their back yard and the need to keep safe their greatest hope, the upper districts, numbers are doing much more than holding back the Hollows for now, it seems. The 12th Division is looking for ways to secretly invade Las Oscuridades, the base of the Vasto Lordes. So far, the current Senkaimon are unable to penetrate the barrier, unlike the Garganta into the Seireitei. The Hollow are stretched thin in numbers, though their control over the flow of battle remains intact. The Gotei 13 and the World of the Living would not know of lessening numbers, however, and this facade of an unending wave of Hollowed spirits remains strong. The goals of the Hollow aren't clear to the other two dimensions and is still hazy even among the more sentient Hollow who work as a council for themselves in spite of the exiled Lord of Hueco Mundo, of whom has remained hidden for millenia and is only rumored about among those in power. More rumors suggest that this Lord is against the attacks on the Rukongai and the World of the Living due to the imbalance it could create. However, a counter argument continues that with the increasing number of Shinigami and the rate at which Hollows are sealed that the balance remains stagnant. This is purely in the hands of the Shinigami to keep this balance, as would be regardless. Perhaps a collective stubbornness blinds them.[/hider] [hider=Setting]The Canon of this RP does not follow the Manga/Anime. It will be treated as an Alternate Universe. I don't want to see canon characters or the using of canon names/ideas to bring into this RP. Renaming canon characters/ideas will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. The focus of this RP will be upon the Captains and their Lieutenants and how they combat the invading Hollow Army. Any seated, unseated, or Academy students will be NPCs and making a PC for one of them is not ideal. The following are not going to be introduced in this RP: FullBringers, Quincies The following have never existed in this RP: Vizzards, Arrancar Any that wish to create a Hollow needs to see the GM as the stats are quite different and spoiling plot points will have to occur.[/hider] [hider=Rules]- Standard Guild rules apply. - A 3 paragraph minimum for every IC post. - Continuity errors in IC posts will be addressed and be requested for revision (through PM). - Developing Canon information for this RP is welcome and encouraged. - Collaborations are welcome and encouraged. - There is no posting order. Post only once after each GM post unless otherwise stated. - R rated situations and language are allowed. Anything X will be "fade-to-black." - PvP combat will be lightly monitored. - PvNPC combat should be considered the norm and be performed by a single player, unless otherwise requested or required. - If you cannot find the inspiration to write a post, let a GM know and we'll help you or accept you skip the round. - Extended absences (longer than 3 days) are to be communicated with a GM. If they are not, you will be skipped or your character removed from/killed in their current situation. - Please read all OOC and Character information. - Questions and concerns of any variety and to any degree are welcome. PM a GM to keep things cool like the fonz. - The GM's decisions are final, but that is not to say it won't come without consideration of the Players. - Do not post CSs in the OOC Tab. - Do not post CS WIPs in the Characters Tab. - PM any and all CSs to me for review, revision, and clearance. Once cleared, the CS may be posted in the Characters Tab.[/hider]