[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Pc0JpRT.png[/img][/center] [b]”I thought that you could only have one soulmate…”[/b] [color=ed1c24]"As did I,"[/color] Erin said in reply. [color=ed1c24]"But I believe that because Jules and I share a body, the universe is confused."[/color] As Cienna's hand touched the shoulder of Erin, she completely froze. She stopped breathing and acknowledging everything. She hadn't been touched by another willingly in a [i]very[/i] long time. [b]”I’m sorry Erin.... I should have known...."[/b] The fairy gave her shoulder a squeeze, and Erin was still frozen. Three tears fell silently from both of her eyes, and they recognized the fairy again. [b]”I’ve got as much time as we need, please.”[/b] Erin cleared her throat, softly pushing the fairy's hand off of her shoulder as the fairy softly spoke. She stumbled on words for a moment, trying to come back to reality. [color=ed1c24]"W-Well,"[/color] she began, remembering herself. [color=ed1c24]"You might want to settle yourself in,"[/color] she said, looking over at the clock. She stood up, leaving her seat for Cienna. It was less of an act of kindness and more of a restlessness within Erin. When the Dark fairy was ready, Erin looked to her and then settled on Julie's resting face before beginning. [color=ed1c24]"I must start from the beginning. And when I mean the beginning, I mean my origins. I appeared in a small corner of Hell that is impossible for mortals damned to it to find. Demons are not born but are thought up of by their parents. I'm [i]not[/i] about to give you a lesson in the world of Demons. I have many brothers and sisters, but I am the eldest of them. So there I am, a Demon in Hell. My family specifically is known for driving humans to sin. It's our specialty, you might say. I grew up learning the profession, ya-da ya-da. Now, Demons aren't really known for, ah, [i]love[/i]. We're told to find another and create our children, and it doesn't matter that much. To my surprise, many millennia ago, a name appears on my wrist in Egyptian hieroglyphic. Asking everyone, they say they have no knowledge of what it means. A brother of mine suggests I travel to Egypt in search of what it means. And so there I go."[/color] Erin paused for a moment as she simply stared at Julie's face. A faint smile appeared on her lips, and she began pacing the room. [color=ed1c24]"When I arrived there, the marking began to glow and burn faintly. I was still confused. I turned to a local woman, barely understanding their Coptic language. I grasped the words 'holy', 'gods', and 'temple'. I understood that I was to go to their temple, something Demons do not like. Before I could begin walking on my own, the woman flagged down two guards and I was escorted to the 'temple'. I found a Pharoh there, and I was commanded to show him my arm. I did so, and he began to laugh. He yelled something into another room inside the temple, and a woman walked out. No, not a woman. [i]Julie Ambers[/i]."[/color] Erin stopped speaking again and paused in her step, tearing her eyes from Julie to look at Cienna to see what she had made of the story so far.