So this is what I have so far. I haven't gone through the reading in great depth so I can almost guarantee there's a whole tonne of inconsistencies with the lore and errors that will need correcting. I wasn't sure how to tie his story together and bring him into the gang so any advice on that would be very welcome. Of course criticism is welcome, I can change whatever needs to be changed. Once I've nailed down the character I'll work out all his augmentations and armaments etc. [hider=WIP - Nate Dawson] [center][img][/img][/center] [h3][sup][center][b]Nate 'Stitch' Dawson[/b][/center][/sup][/h3] [sup][sup][h3][center][b]"Please try not to scream. This is probably gonna hurt. A lot."[/b][/center][/h3][/sup][/sup] [hr][hr] [color=orange][b]LOOKS[/b] Nate is not a physically imposing man, standing at a rather average six feet tall, with a long legs and a slim, wiry build. He always stands slightly slouched or leant on something, creating a casual and relaxed air about him. His hair is jet black, as is the thick stubble that covers his squared jaw. His nose is large and comes to a sharp point. His eyes glow orange from his implants, and he always has an earpiece in his right ear. He often wears a long brown coat lined with red, with black boots and gloves. His outfit is deliberately chosen to make him look larger than he is, partly out of an acute self awareness of his skinny frame making him look an easy target and partly because he finds it more comfortable than tight fitting garb. [b]PSYCHE[/b] Nate is an easy going, confident man, sure of himself almost to the point of irritating arrogance. Cool under pressure, Nate prioritises efficiency, and almost everything he does is fast and purposeful. When he speaks, he does so for a reason, preferring to avoid idle small talk when possible. Intelligent in his field, Nate is stubborn and struggles to be told he's wrong. When he has ideas and others reject them, he finds himself sulking almost like a child. Despite being talented at his job, many doubt Nate because of his immaturity and childish tendencies. [b]HEAT[/b]. Nate is known to the police due to his current occupation of performing illegal black market surgeries and installations to people too poor to get treatment in federal hospitals, but is considered a small time criminal and they don't waste their time hunting for him. While his methods aren't always clean, they get the job done, although a few unsatisfied customers have sent thugs after him to collect refunds, leaving a few bumps and bruises in the process. While he'd like to be able to say he does it to help others, it's really because it's easy money, and the demand is high. [b]STREET CRED[/b] Basically no-one. Those he's helped know his name and tell their friends in need, but he's a far cry from a legend of the streets of Night City. [b]THE STORY[/b] In hindsight, compared to most others, Nate Dawson had lived a very mundane and sheltered life so far. Nate was born in Old Downtown region of Night City, as the eldest of three children. Nate's father, Jay, was a dockworker, living a life of manual labour, while his mother, Maria, worked as an administrative assistant at the Night City Medical Center. His two younger siblings are his sister Jessica, 4 years his junior, and brother Theo, 6 years younger than him. With both of their parents working shifts often more than 5 days a week, it was usually Nate's job to take care of his younger siblings, even from a very young age. Nate worked hard in school, with his favourite subjects being biology, chemistry and technical engineering. He dreamed of being an engineer, hoping to set up his own company and develop his own augmentations to sell to the general public, hoping one day he would be able to earn enough money to set his family up comfortably somewhere away from the dark and dangerous Night City. However, this dream never materialised, and when an opening arose for an internship at the Night City Medical Center through his mother, he gratefully jumped at the chance. Seeing it as just a chance to gain some experience and earn a bit of cash, Nate instead got an experience that changed his ambitions entirely. He was adamant he wanted to become a surgeon. Nate worked hard over the next year and eventually, with a little inside help from his mother, scraped his way into the Night City Medical School. At the NCMS he was in an environment in which he thrived; faced with new and exciting tasks every day, fed more knowledge than one man could ever want. It was here that Nate really grew into the man he is today, learning all the skills he needed to become a surgeon and becoming a confident, calm and collected young man. Nate passed his finals with flying colours and graduated from the NCMS, walking straight into a graduate position as a surgery assistant at the Medical Center, where he would observe and assist a senior surgeon and learn all the procedures and tricks for the job he hoped to inherit. After two years at the centre, Nate still hadn't progressed to the position of a full surgeon. His boss claimed it was because he wasn't ready, but Nate had meticulously memorised every procedure he had witnessed. Brimming with enthusiasm and charisma, there had never been a man more ready, and Nate felt they were deliberately holding him back. When Nate's father was let go from his job at the docks times were tough, and Nate did all he could to help support his family off his meagre junior surgeon's salary. However, with job searches proving fruitless, his family upped stakes and moved out of the city, moving first to Monterey and then further north to San Francisco when that proved just as unsuccessful. Nate remained in Night City alone, adamant to fulfil his hopes of becoming a surgeon. Yet Nate made no progress. He had seen new graduates come, ascend and leave in the years he worked there. Eventually he quit, and went freelance. He never informed his family, who still believe he works as a junior surgeon at the NCMC. However, Nate now works as a freelance surgeon, performing black market surgeries and installations of illegally acquired custom augmentations. This is where he earned the nickname 'Stitch', which he often uses as a street name to hide his true identity. The money is much, much better than it was at the center, although it does carry a much greater risk of being shot in the back down a dark alleyway. [b]ARMED IN THE ONE AND TWENTY[/b] Clothing and Armour (48EB) [list][*] Kevlar Clothing (Torso) - 45EB [*] Athelon Nylon Carrybag - 3EB [/list] Weapons (150EB) [list][*]Federated Arms X-22 - 150EB [/list] Augments (650EB) [list][*]Cyberoptic - 650EB [list][*]Basic Eye Module - 500EB [*] Micro-optics - 150EB[/list] [/list] Gear (1140EB) [list][*]Surgery Kit - 400EB [*]Techscanner - 600EB [*]Basic Medical Kit - 120EB [*]Protective Goggles - 20EB[/list] TOTAL: 1988EB [b]...AND THE REST[/b][/color] [/hider]