[center][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Mali%20Anson&name=Chris%27s%20Handwriting.ttf&size=50&style_color=D5FF00[/IMG] [hr][b]Location:[/b] Zoie's House [hr][hr][/center] Zoie withheld the information about Egypt and such from Marc. That was another entry into the mental record book that would eventually become an actual journal once Mali got the chance to visit a Target. This was starting to feel like a game of Go Fish with everyone only partially aware of everyone else's hand. Trying to guess what everyone may or may not know was already getting old, how anybody did this long enough to become the leader of a vast conspiracy theory was beyond her. [color=D5FF00]"They're obviously related. Everyone has a family whether they like it or not. All the codenames and reputation in the world doesn't alter the fact. For all we know she's just a normal woman with her family in that picture."[/color] As much as her brain was wired to think that there were no coincidences, Mali didn't get the astonishment at this revelation. You don't choose your family, and that Barney Ross was related to Valentine or Prosperine or whatever didn't really say too much about either of them or the greater implications of this new knowledge. Nobody knew of their relationship beyond the photo, and any conjecture would simply end up being gossip.