Still a WIP, but most of the stuff is there! Read it with a 40's Brooklyn Greaser accent or a Italian Mafia voice for full effect. [hider=Heresssss Johnny!] [h1][sup][center][b] [color=f26522]Johnny "Doe" Wiser[/color][/b][/center][/sup][/h1] [center][img][/img][/center] [sup][sup][h3][center][b] [color=f26522]"That is a shame. Guess the local obituary will have a few more names this week..."[/color][/b][/center][/h3][/sup][/sup] [h3][center][color=gray] [b][u]LOOKS[/u][/b] [/color][/center][/h3] [i][color=gray]Whats he look like? Whats it too 'yah? Eh, whateva. Not like you'll notice him if you find him![/color][/i] Johnny looks very much like his Role in the gang... Undercover. He doesn't have anything that makes him look too different than the average working man. No noticeable scars, tattoos, or some crazy haircut so many other Gangers are used to flaunting. He is also most always wearing Jeans with a tucked in Shirt and tie and some sort of coat. Dresses always like he has business, because he always does. Best bet would be looking in Gang territory for a man who doesn't look like he belongs and still well known enough to not be fucked with. [h3][center][color=gray] [b][u]PSYCHE[/u][/b] [/color][/center][/h3] [color=gray][i]What's Johnny like? Let me tell you about that crazy motherfucker! Or at least from what I heard...[/i][/color] Johnny doesn't give two fucks about 'nothin. His personal safety being one of those. Even with a gun pointed to his head he still has a joke to babble out. For some odd reason it has given him more credit than 9mm to the skull. I mean, it makes sense. Everyone like a Man with huge balls, especially if this Man is a hilarious Wise ass. Look, all you need to know is he doesn't care who or what you are. If he's coming for you he'll find you, stand over you as your Empire of filth and evil burns down around you, and whisper one final words to you: [i]"It was the Aristocrats!"[/i]. Oh yeah and one last thing, apparently he's a sweetheart personally and has a real bad addiction to cigarettes and Woman. Especially the Woman! [h3][center][color=gray] [b][u]HEAT[/u][/b] [/color][/center][/h3] [color=gray][i]Besides the Media, who would care?[/i][/color] Alright well News Network 5 probably loves Johnny, shit when he brings a story out these people makes millions! Now the Law hasn't really said anything public, but I think their trying to cover their asses, just in case Johnny brings up something they rather not let anyone see. Their a bunch of savages anyhow, its not like it would be hard. [h3][center][color=gray] [b][u]STREET CRED[/u][/b] [/color][/center][/h3] [color=gray][i]Only his Big boss knows this. Ask that schmuck. Next![/i][/color] He's nobody by face. Ever heard of 'The Doe'? Well his name is Johnny, like John... Doe? Eh? Eh? Now you got the gears turning. [h3][center][color=gray] [b][u]The Story[/u][/b] [/color][/center][/h3] [color=gray][i]Oh come on... No one knows the truth behind Johnny! Their is just rumors. Eh? You don't even know them? Who do you work for again?[/i][/color] So, not much is known about Johnny Doe. Why? Well I don't know. Do you have a article about your life online? Alright then... Like I was saying Johnny's origin are just from word of mouth. Nothing can be found about him and only his Gang's Boss knows the name. If he is even in a gang. Man you see what I mean? All rumors. He talks to some people here and there, all those people call him by several different names, but their description of him match what we do know. From some Pimp known as 'Maximus' seemed to have the most info on Johnny. Giving us our first truth that he definitely like the Company of Woman. Ok, Johnny worked some bullshit ass Job in little Italy. It paid good and he had a nice living for a bit, until his wife caught some disease or cancer or some shit. Again, all speculation. Well something happened with his job and they fucked the guy, hard! He can't pay his wife's medical bills, she croaks and the man puts a nine to his dome and... Boom! Blows his brains out all over their home. Sad tail truly... Ah, ok that's not where the story ends. Well look, the Man survives and almost basically unharmed after a few months. This man is different though, like his emotions are faded, his personality warped. Well at least his John wasn't. If anything it was an improvement! Hahahaha... [i]Ahem[/i]. Like I was saying he's actually pretty ok, missed all the vital stuff somehow when he pulled the trigger. So almost a year later he find out about who fucked him and comes back to him. This dude ends up hanging the fucker off a building he owned with a sign saying "The ignorance is coming to an End", whatever the fuck that means, but it was pretty Metal! Remember, it was almost a year ago? Well ever sense them, crazy leaks and stories been coming out with the end always being signed Johnny Doe. Again this is all speculation and we don't know shit from fuck. This could all be a bunch of shit. We got some rumors saying he's a identity a group of Netrunners hide behind. Some say this is just a Media group to the public and hiring Solos to due the dirty for them, just for a story. Even heard that the story I just told you was made from a drunk asshole near a club. What ever he is gets results tho. I personally think he was an ex Solo, but whatever floats your boat, Kid. [h3][center][color=gray] [b][u]ARMED IN THE ONE AND TWENTY[/u][/b] [/color][/center][/h3] [color=gray][i]What kind of question is that? What's next? You want me to tell you about his favorite Sneaker brand? [/i][/color] [u][b]Armor:[/b][/u] -Kevlar Clothing: 45 -Light Armor Jacket:150 Total: 195 [u][b]Weapons:[/b][/u] -Switch Blade: 15 -Brass Knuckles:10 -Federated Arms X-9mm (+Silencer): 500 Total:695 [u][b]Gear:[/b][/u] -Digital Camera+Recorder : 450 -Video/Audio Tape Player: 40 -Binoculars: 20 -Card Lock lvl 3: 300 -Key Lock lvl 5: 100 -Movement Sensor:50 -Med Kit: 50 Total:1010 Total: 1900 [/hider]