[@TwelveOf8] Well I am in the Midwest in the U.S and a bit tried atm. So to start everyone off given I don't think I will have the thread up tonight. [@Framing A Moose] [@ineffable][@FunnyGuy][@Scarlet Loup] Here is the character sheet. Feel free to add anything I have missed Name: Age: Gender: Role: Alter-Ego: Your Hero/Villian Name Appearance: Personality: Power: (Yes thats right. Power, as in singular. Be creative and think on it. Growth can occur over RP. But remember superheroing isn't the main focus) Drawback: (What are disadvantages to your power.) Personal History: (What was life like before you met your partner) Focus: (Current Goal. Can/Will Change over time) Relationships (Erase your own character slot. Fill over time as you wish. If you don't know a character you will over time.) Villian 1: Villian 2: Retiree 1: Retiree 2: Hero 1: Hero 2: