B-0 continued along with the group, her speakers remaining silent but her body whirling and squeaking softly as she climbed the stairs to the bridge. B-0 looked around the area, the gears in her neck grinding loudly as she did so. Something about this place, or the idea of this place, felt comfortable. Familiar. B-0 looked towards the two chairs at the end of the bridge, the pilot and co-pilot chairs. And although her was unable to emote, the action itself almost held longing within in. What Varen said about the laser cannon did not seem to phase the droid, perhaps it was the wording on his phrase. Of course the laser cannon only worked sometimes, it would not work if it was broken or powered down. This would mean it did work when it was on and in good repair. Sometimes. But the laser cannon did not really interest the droid. As Varen spoke B-0 took a few steps towards the chairs, even though she had not been ordered to. She stopped herself, however, when the rest of the group began to continue the tour. B-0 paused a moment, looking over her shoulder at the empty chairs before walking quickly to catch back up with the group, her metallic hull creaking under the strain. The rest of the tour did not really interest the droid, luckily for her it was easy to look like she was paying attention. Oh the perks of being unable to physically emote. The lounge was nice, but she seriously doubted that she would be lounging with the rest of the crew any time soon. The supply of food kept there would also likely be untouched by the droid, as she did not eat. The bunks meant nothing to the droid, she already knew her room was the bridge. Of all the things in this section of the ship the engine was able to keep the droids attention. It sounded like her, whirling and humming, except much larger. And all the recordings and levels displayed around the engine, all things B-0 could relate to. And then the captain said the magic words. Manning their stations. The droid, who had remained quite quiet throughout this entire tour, suddenly began to whirl and let out a long string of untranslatable beeps. Excitement. B-0 began to quickly make her way back towards the bridge, looking over her shoulder to make sure Varen and Baarsuth were following. She let out another long string of beeps and whistles, urging the others to hurry along. Soon they would be away from Aldaraan, much to the pleasure of the droid, and off into the great unknown. The droid let Baarsuth pick his chair first, as it would only be fair to the pilot, and than sat down in the second chair. Something about this chair, and these controls in front of her, seemed to click within the droid. Although it had been years since she was allowed to be in control of a ship, and even though she moved with such strain earlier, something changed within the droid as she looked over the panels. Her programmed purpose. Her movements were clear and precise as she began pressing buttons and flicking switches, her dim photoreceptors glowing with a renewed light.