Okay I got it done. This wasn't the sheet I was working on at first. So what should have been submitted a couple of hours ago got changed thanks to a pang of inspiration and some why not give it a go and see. Anyway feel like I'm taking little bit of gambit with it. So if it not accepted or can't be alerted to be accepted is all good still got the first sheet ready to be submitted. So without further delay behold the first female character submission. Cause it's a god dam sausage fest in here. [hider=Iza Wetherell] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/a9/a8/da/a9a8dabfca5bb6ddc059b3505421a202.jpg[/img][/center] [h3][sup][center][b] Iza Wetherell [/b][/center][/sup][/h3] [sup][sup][h3][center][b] 35 | British | EX [/b][/center][/h3][/sup][/sup] [b]A P P E A R A N C E[/b] Iza stand at a perfect 5'5 with her body coloured white. That is quick to show any dirt or grime that touches it. Iza, body is from a company called Athena Synthetic Technologies and has her body model number and make across the back. Iza’s face does not move and is forever locked in what by most is considered to be a neutral expression. Iza can change her center face plate to one with a happy expression if she wishes although very rarely does. In the term of attire, Iza wears the same outfit day in day out. Her attire made for her bodies model it all in black. For her upper body Iza vest made for her body’s model that covers most of the chest and down to the mid of her back. Along with tight black cargo pants and combat boots. Kevlar gauntlets cover both forearms accompanied with black fingerless gloves. [b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b] [indent] ╬ Hardworking ╬ Brave [color=black]╬[/color] Short and violent temper [color=black]╬[/color] Ruthless [/indent] It is well known for those that have worked or spent any time with Iza that she had a very short temper and when she gets angry is quick to get violent. Her violent anger being aimed at the person or object that has angered. When Iza as becomes angry she is quick to use whatever is in her hands as a weapon. Fortunately, it is rare for her to pick another object if disarmed. When anger it is often required that she be separated or restrained from the one or thing that angered her until she calms down or attention is shifted elsewhere if that is possible. Just wahtever you do don't call her android as it a sure fire way to set her off. It is also known Iza does everything to the best of her abilities. Taking to every task no matter how small or minor with vigour working diligently until the task is complete. Even if side task puts her in danger of harm or injury, not afraid to take great risks if needed to achieve complete the task at hand. Iza is the type to volunteer for extra work if volunteers are needed. Years of working corporate security as have left Iza with ruthless when it comes to dealing with problems that not her own and now when it comes to capturing criminals. Show no compassion or sympathy for those involved. Caring only for a positive end result. After all, who cares if a criminal is brought in with few bullets in his leg or other injuries, he’s alive so what does it matter? When life starts to stress her out for whatever reason or is faced with a difficult personal problem, Iza falls back to alcohol and VS to escape it. Preferring to hide from her problems rather than deal with them. [b]H I S T O R Y[/b] Born into the heart of London Iza childhood was the product of a happy marriage to two middle-class parents. Who as she grew up working hard to provide the best they could. While it didn’t always happen right away, she always got what she wanted in the end. All her parents wanted to see was their little girl happy. From a little girl, Iza always wanted to be cop, fascinated by idea helping and protecting others. Her parents wishing to she Iza achieve this dream did what they could to encourage her. Telling her that to be a police officer she needed to get top marks and be fit. So that was what Iza did she worked hard to achieve the best grades. Which blessed with a high IQ were quite high, and she made sure to stay fit and healthy as she became a teenager. Iza completed school and went straight into the police academy, passing she started her life doing her dream job. Learning it was not everything she imagined but none the same she loved it. Iza stayed with London police force moving up the ranks fairly quickly as she worked hard and displayed valour and leadership skills during more stressful situations. Iza stated with police until she was 30, where she was approached by a company called Athena Synthetic Technologies (AST). A mid sized international company that was expanding into it New Jisei and wanted Iza to head the security for the new branch. The company specialized in cybernetics and robotics. Initially Iza told them no, not wishing to work for a company. But when they made her a second offer, doubling her pay and offering her a host of benefits. She found herself unable to say no. Her only requirement was that she had to agree to one move to New Jisei and to agree to some cybernetic implants. Something Iza had avoided so far, having had no interest in acquiring them. Departing London Iza moved to New Jisei the company provided a small apartment. She underwent the process of getting her cybernetic implants and started her new job. Under the tutelage, the head security from the company HQ in Greece who was about to retire. Learning her job, Iza found while it was not something she enjoyed as much as being a cop. The pay and benefits meant she could have a lot more fun in her down time and as the company established itself her pay was increased she was given a few more benefits. During her time with AST, Iza learned just how useful they could be and developed a keen interest in them. Getting herself augmented to make her job and life just a little easier. Able to afford high-end implants with her corporate benefits and wage. It was during this time Iza discovered VS and the interesting experiences it could provide. Iza quickly becoming interested in the much darker simulations. Finding they stoked a side of her she didn’t know she had. Finding it VS made for an excellent vent for the stress. For four years Iza worked as head of security and in that time earned herself a reputation for being ruthless when it came to maintaining the AST security interests. Whatever they may be at any given time. Over the four period AST was involved in several investigations for one of its upper management being involved in criminal activity, which the company denied and under orders, Iza stoned walled PubSec hiding behind a wall of bureaucratic red time. The stopped any investigation into AST. However the investigation left Iza curious so after three years of working for AST went digging herself to see if what PubSec had been looking for had any merit. Not long after she started digging, Iza found her investigation turned up that that several of AST’s upper management were involved in some sort of criminal activity. What she found was very disturbing. But before she could do anything beyond hide a back up of what she had found she asked to looking to reports of break ins at an R&D facility. The next thing she knew it was three days later, and she was in the hospital unable to move. The laundry list of injuries, doctors questioning the use of treating her. From what she was told Iza had been kidnapped and in short was mutilated to point little could be done to reverse the damage. Being saved by PubSec who had been alerted to her disappearance and some how tracked her where she had been found. Once found AST seemed complacent. That was until Iza tried the media involved, feeling rather spiteful a company she had severed loyally for four years would do simply abandon her to rot in some hospital room. Instead of the media, she got one of AST’s upper management coming buy to pay her a visit. The rest is secret Iza will not speak, and no record of what happen exists. The manager being the one Iza had found was in some criminal activity. Activity, the manager, was very desperate to keep hidden. So stuck a deal with Iza to give her a new cybernetic body so she could live out whatever short time it would give her to do as she wanted. All Iza had to do was keep her mouth shut and quietly leave AST. The deal cost the manager and AST a lot of money. But in the end the manager out fear Iza had way to spread his secrets held up his end of the deal. Iza walking out of the hospital in a new top of the line body made by AST. She knew that to be treated she under go an extreme level of cyberization. So much so she also knew she’d never live to see forty. Iza wanting to use at least some of the time she had left in the world to pay the debt she felt she owed to PubSec. So upholding her end she quietly left AST and applied for work with PubSec. She got a job and since then has worked for PubSec putting her new body and her skills to agencies use. [b]I N V E N T O R Y[/b] [color=fff200]╬[/color] [u]Cybernetic body:[/u] Nearly everything about Iza has been replaced with cybernetics. For starters her body, which is a top of the line android body modified to accommodate Iza. A body seen most presence of the wealthy and in the buildings of Iza's former employers. Used as personal assistance and body guards if the upgraded model was purchased. The body itself is made to be light weight yet durable. Made from a mix of strong plastics and fabrics and light weight metals. While it is far from bullet proof, it is fair resistance to being knives and blunt weapons. Due to high-grade servos and its light weight, the body is very agile and able to move around very quickly. Giving Iza a reaction time that few could even hope to match. The body arms are synced with her implants eyes giving Iza a extremely high level of hand eye coordination. Even if her hands are doing to completely separate tasks. Iza's body features ports to connect to device via hard-line allowing for a faster more secure connection between herself and devices. [color=fff200]╬[/color][u]Cybernetic eyes[/u] Iza's eyes had been replaced with cybernetic replacements long before she became the way she is now, so have only seen upgrade so like her body both are top of line cybernetics implants. The eyes come with your basic colour vision, although Iza can see in much greater detail than someone can with their natural eyes. The eyes also come with low light vision and thermal vision. The eyes feature a built in HUD allowing Iza in her case to see the status of her her body or any device she is linked to. The HUD also can also be used to surf net and view files. Her eyes also allow her to use VR or in her cause VS simulations with no additional hardware. The eyes glow a neon blue in colour although it can be change to be whatever colour Iza likes. ╬ Standard Issue semiautomatic pistol x2 ╬ Standard Issue Baton ╬ Standard Issue Taser [b]O T H E R[/b] Iza voice as a synthetic tone to it. Something Iza chooses to keep. As she thinks it sound cool. Iza's body is Athena Synthetic Technologies modified Mark 4 Valkyrie body. It's several number is ASTVAB/34J56 [/hider]