[H2][center]Ryan Chideta 1/8/15, Warakuma Train Terminal[/center][/h2] Ryan smiled at Samuru's offer of a handkerchief but politely declined. [color=royalblue]"No point in cleaning up right now, it's so hot I'll be in the exact same position in 5 minutes."[/color] He chuckled lightly as he said this, observing the arrival of the new guy attempting to hide behind a trash can. Ryan decided not to point them out, not that he needed to with Shizuka arriving and pointing him out to everyone. Ryan had to hold back a laugh as Kanna blushed and introduced himself to the group. Rui had filled him in on what his deal was earlier, he had been curious what had happened and Rui saw no need to hold back information. So far Kanna hadn't accepted the offer to join, but everyone did eventually. It was kind of just an inevitable thing for Persona users. That's the impression Ryan got anyways. He vaguely noted that Samuru was avoiding Sato and shook his head, it had been nearly two weeks since the trip into Seto yet Samuru was still feeling awkward. Ryan sighed and shook his head, perhaps they had been too hard on the guy. Hopefully this beach trip was what everyone needed to get closer as a team. Shizuka explained her reason for lateness, making Ryan blush slightly and look away, that was quite the image. Something he would try very hard to not think about. [color=royalblue]"Your mother probably had the best idea."[/color] She also brought sandwiches and tea, which was very thoughtful of her. He would have to remember to buy her some food in exchange once they got to the beach. He would probably buy everyone food actually, it would make the trip much better. Matt arrived soon after this all transpired, being pretty late but just in time for the train. Matt and Shizuka were visibly avoiding looking at each other, same with Sato and Mako. [color=royalblue]"This is gonna be a weird day..."[/color] He muttered to himself as everyone boarded the train. [h2][center]Sadaomi Beach[/center][/h2] The train ride was nice, about two hours of chatting with Sato and Mako, sometimes jumping into others conversations but mainly sticking with them. As they approached the beach Ryan scooted closer to the window, he had never really been to the beach. His mom never had the time while his dad was... As the coast came into view Ryan smiled, it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. They got off a few minutes later and walked to the beach, Kazuki explaining the background behind the beach, with Ryan becoming extra attentive at the mention of the Nanjo Corporation. [color=royalblue]"OH, I know about them! My mom's company does joint projects with them all the time."[/color] He then noticed how uncomfortable Kazuki was and he cringed, probably not the best time to mention that. Kazuki and Megumi soon left the go find a spot on the beach for everyone, leaving Rui to act as their leader once again. Sato suggested changing into swimsuits and Ryan nodded. [color=royalblue]"Probably a good idea, we brought them for a reason."[/color] Ryan laughed as he headed towards the changing area, finding an empty booth and entering, making sure to lock the door behind him. Didn't want any zany mishaps. He quickly changed into his blue swim trunks and came out, blushing slightly. He had never really shown this much skin before, it was embarrassing. The first thing anyone would note is that Ryan was kinda buff, he had a defined six pack and pretty toned muscles too, not disgustingly ripped but definite muscle definition. If one looked more closely though they would also see signs of faded scars all over his body. Ryan's past was not a happy one. [color=royalblue]"So, what do you do at the beach normally?"[/color] He asked everyone, this was his first time and he didn't really get what you did besides swim.