[@IronWill] Wakefield frowned as apparently the teacher leading their group had either not heard him or was ignoring him. [i]'Either way, I am not getting an answer from him at the moment.'[/i] Wakefield dropped back to rest of the group examine his future fellow students. To his surprise, it seemed like other students had wandered from the other groups over to his own. Among these students he recognized the student who had shoved past him in order to enter the Academy gates faster. [@vn2202] Wakefield paused to consider the offending scythe wielder. The human male was pale and had black hair somewhat longer than the majority of his peers. His white scythe SG was actually quite lovely though. As the scythe was being held and not actively using a human form, Wakefield decided that only the human deserved the blame for the disrespectful action. He pulled a note of invitation he had created earlier and tied it with a soft, black ribbon against the scythe, not caring about the human's reaction to his action. The invitation invited the blade to a new club that would soon be forming on campus- a club exclusively for Soul Gears led by himself, Wakefield. [color=6ecff6]"I hope to see you there."[/color] Wakefield smiled at the scythe the color of moonlight briefly. He turned away from the pair examining other student SGs looking for new potential members, entirely ignoring the scythes human wielder.