[center][img]https://s1.postimg.org/3q15krc9r/THE_QUESTION.jpg[/img][h1][color=0072bc][b]IN EPISODE 5 KIDS THESE DAYS[/b][/color][/h1][/center][hr] It was just after they had gotten off the jet from St. Roch that the alert came in: Doctor Fate was in the tower, and he was injured. Question, along with his group, made their way to the gym to find the legendary man on the ground, with Wildcat attending to him. He explained the situation, then sneezed on a group of four. Rose voiced Question's thoughts perfectly at that very moment. As if on cue, Extant appeared in the room. [i][color=0072bc]'Powerful foe. Able to manipulate reality to his own will. Need to find way to distract him, have Superman deliver final blow, and-'[/color][/i] The masked conspiracy theorist's thoughts came to a sudden halt, as Extant aged Wildcat and Doctor Fate to their proper ages, before aging the rest of the League as well. As his body became weaker, his hair grayed, and his pseudoderm mask barely held onto his wrinkling face, he barely had time to notice that the four Doctor Fate had sneezed on were unaffected before he collapsed. A few moments later, the old man pushed himself up. [color=0072bc]"You damn hooligan! Look at what you did to..."[/color] Question paused. [color=0072bc]"Who's that guy?"[/color] He took off his fedora and scratched his head in confusion, noticing a woman around his own age firing pistols at that one whatshisface before pulling out a sword, then swinging it around before feeling her eyes and stumbling back against the wall. [color=0072bc][i]'What's that lady's name again...? I dunno, but I feel like she's an asshole... What was I thinking about?'[/i][/color] The now-elderly conspiracy theorist paid no mind to his elderly teammates, young teammates, and temporarily evil teammates while he wondered what the hell this building was and why all these people were here.