[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=598527]Lola Holler[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://cdn1-www.afterellen.com/assets/uploads/2015/10/tankgirl.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] North Of Newnan (Veterans Memorial Park - Corner of Temple Ave. & Jackson St.)[/center][hr] [color=598527]"This isn't Denny's mate,"[/color] Lola said as she gave Alexander a cockeyed glance when he asked if they had a cup to spare. Did this look like Ikea? Sure her extreme home decor was second to none but even she didn't have a traveling china section for tea time. Sniggering to herself she pulled out her waterbottle-esque brita filter and poured in the powdered cocoa into it before closing it up and shaking it hard until it dissolved. Leaning in close to her grill she held the bottle over the heat radiating from it and let it warm up a bit. Then he spoke again and Lola mouthed off. [color=598527]"I didn't ask you,"[/color] she said before giving the longest most dramatic eye roll she could, complete with the flapping of her lips as she blew air out in a huff. Looking over at Thalia as she gave her two cents on the matter to counter the man she snorted back a laugh as she pulled the bottle away from the heat and opened it up. She took a long sniff of liquid chocolate heaven before gulping down the warmed drink. (And burping.) [color=598527]"What she said,"[/color] she ended up adding after the burp and motioning over towards Thalia. They weren't heading in the direction of the smoke. [color=598527]"But hey, you have fun checking it out,"[/color] she as she pulled out the spoon from the MRE pouch and opened the cheese spread with her teeth. A few seconds later she had the stuff smeared all over a piece of bread that was with the MRE. God she loved the American MRE's, they came with so much in each. This one alone had the Chili Mac And Cheese, the cheese spread and wheat bread, a cookie, the coffee (she had given to Alexander), the cocoa powder, tootsie rolls, an MRE heater, book of matches, creamer, sugar, salt, red pepper flakes, spoon, napkin, moist towelette, and gum. It wasn't a bad set up for two girls on the road. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=0072bc]Thana Martin[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/523ed7050654d50bbae4eb51a3735349/tumblr_inline_n767baVN661szvbv0.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Outer Gate[/center][hr] Thana watched in silence as people said their goodbyes, watching as each person took their respective turns before Ash asked her to back him up and carried out the sentence. [color=0072bc]"Aye, aye, Sir,"[/color] was all she said as she stepped forward with him and kept to his left shoulder rear. Taking a parade rest as the two exchanged their own personal goodbyes. Her brow cocked slightly as James spoke to her. A simple nod came from her in reply. [color=0072bc]"Let the journey begin,"[/color] was all she said before James climbed into the truck and the gates were opened so he could leave. The gate closed with a hard thunk once the truck was out and Thana stepped forward a bit. [color=0072bc]"I don't know the other two but I can speak about Comfort. The man is a walking White James... on crack. God help anyone that crosses their paths,"[/color] she said quietly. She knew Gavin's crazy, probably better than anyone. She knew what the man was capable of. She knew James from growing up. Those two together... They were probably going to be a force to be reckoned with. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=a187be]Tatiana Korvo[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/15538670_1799587316995431_8758437261512540160_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQwNzYyMDA2MzI5Njc1NzI0MA%3D%3D.2[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Cab of the Truck[/center][hr] [color=a187be]"Da, I knov I knov,"[/color] Tatiana said before resting back in her seat and waiting for the goodbyes to finish up. As James climbed into the cab of the truck with her she smiled a bit but kept quiet until they were out of the gate and parked just outside. Turning in her seat she faced him. It was time to get things underway. She knew she could keep him here as long as she wanted now but she also knew that Jack was going to be going bat shit crazy having her outside of the wall, pregnant. [color=a187be]"James, vhy you do it?"[/color] she asked as she gave him a sympathetic look. It wasn't a session she was looking forward too but she felt it needed to be done. She wanted to make sure the town was safe but as much as she was worried about what could happen to Newnan, she was equally worried that James would go out and do something stupid since Ash hadn't shot him. The law of Newnan was well known, the fact he was still drawing breath was amazing in and of itself. [color=a187be]"If you vere anyone else, Ash vould have shot you."[/color] [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=f26522]Gavin Comfort[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://cimg.tvgcdn.net/i/2016/10/18/2f99eb5f-a2b2-4e86-bfc1-3fa19bcd42db/clayne-hair-11.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Back of the Truck[/center][hr] Seemed that everyone was saying their goodbyes and getting that out of the way, Gavin just sat back and waited for the truck to move. He wondered about the girl climbing into the cab but it seemed she wasn't staying with them. That all it was going to be her talking with James a bit and then she was going back to town. So it wasn't much of a surprise that the truck stopped outside of the gate once it closed. Gavin decided to take the time to get to know his fellow traveling companions. [color=f26522]"Well hey there darlin'. I be Gavin Comfort, nice to meets ya,"[/color] he said with a broad grin. [color=f26522]"Looks likes we's gonna be hangin' out heres while those two have a private speak, so why's don't we gets to knows each other? I can's starts. Likes I said, I be Comfort, or Gavin, whichevers yous prefers. Ranger from the great Lone Star State! I love smokin', drinkin, singin', dancin', strummin' the ol' guitar but what good ol' red blooded 'Merican don't?"[/color] [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=fff79a]Ryan O'Reily[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzym45prCj1qcnxvno1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Back of the Truck[/center][hr] Ryan looked over to Gavin as he started talking, glancing over towards Bea out of the corner of her eye as Gavin took it on himself to start this little pow-wow. Once Gavin's mouth vomit had finally finished he smirked a bit and pulled out his pack of smokes, lighting one up and offering one to Gavin. [color=f26522]"Hot damn, thanks!"[/color] Chuckling, Ryan looked over to Bea again as he took a long puff. [color=fff79a]"He remind you of that Peacock bitch in Clue? You know the one, they were at the dinner table and she started rambling on and on... I half expected him to finish his little speech with - My this soups delicious isn't it?"[/color] he said with a smirk as he rolled the cigarette between his fingers and then took another puff. Gavin fell out laughing, which made Ryan's brows furrow a bit. Just how crazy was this podunk? Back inside the gate, Miss Sally just stood there watching and waving as the truck left. Froggy, wrapping an arm around Niesha as the truck pulled out and the gate closed. Things were never going to be the same.