Alex sighed as Max plopped down beside him. [i]Oh, great. He's insistent.[/i] Alex caught Houndoom's eye and gave a subtle nod toward Max. Houndoom made no indication that he had seen it. "...after all, friendship is magic!" "Togetic!" As Max turned his attention to the teacher - and off of Alex - Houndoom suddenly shoulder-checked Max's seat, causing him to fall straight out of it! "You wanna know who I think I am?" Alex growled, glaring at Max. "I'm the guy who's going to be a greater trainer than any of you could ever be. I don't [i]care[/i] about making friends; 'friends' are just weak people who band together because they can't survive on their own. I'm not weak, and I don't need friends, especially not some loser like you who think forcing himself on someone else will do [i]anything[/i] but drive them off. Get a life and grow up."