She had to admit she was surprised girls were coming along. For some reason she must have thought they were illegal or something to all the boys at the school. "Oh, yay, girls!" She exclaimed, probably sounding like the biggest dork on the planet. She cleared her throat and quickly moved on. "If you like Cadence, then just ask her out on a date, dude," she said, looking up at Derek. She knew she'd hate it if a guy liked her but was too wimpy to ask her out. "If she says no, then whatever. But she'll still appreciate it... unless she hates you. Then she'd just hate you more." She chuckled. Her attention turned to Harry. "And you, you're so tall you must be half-Godzilla. Same with the rest of you." She laughed. "Hey, maybe Jennifer and Cadence will like me because I'm short? You never know."