It wasn't every day a man of stature would see a vampire undress before them, and Arthur considered it to be an opportunity that no man would ever waste. Of course, whatever sense of decency he had left in him forced him to look away, though not without an eyefull or two. Clumsily pushing his way through the crowded office, Arthur just barely managed to squeeze outside and retain his dignity. Not really bothering to check if the group was following him, he set a brisk pace down the dusty path flanked by his two thugs. Surprisingly enough the town of Ash was bigger than one might expect, though every section except the innermost circle was barren and uninhabited save for the collapsed buildings and distinct smell of death. Clearing the town led the group through a stark, grey flatland pockmarked with valleys and caves. In the distance shambling beings could be seen in ones and twos, aimlessly wandering the cracked earth. Arthur briskly led the group to a set of worn iron doors, placed into the ground. [b] "Alright, this the place" [/b]he said, slightly coughing from the grimy and diseased air that permeates the outlands. [b] "I'll lead you through this just once, and then you ruffians are on your own." [/b] There was an air of expectation, but that was quickly dashed when Arthur unabashedly kicked open the doors. Peering inside, he quickly lit one of about a dozen torches he had with him, illuminating a slick cobblestone room, ruined bookshelves and books lining the walls.[b] "Alright" [/b] he said grimly [b] "who's first?" [/b]