[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/UhJiGvP.png[/img] [sub][@Rekaigan][@Suku][@Awesomoman64][/sub][/center] Robert gave an awkward laugh as Trad approached the group, joking about how he had brushed off the rest of the team late last night and all morning. He felt far from comfortable knowing he had been so rude to the people that were supposed to be his friends. Well Grane was more of a battle buddy to rely on in a fight than someone to go hang out with around Vale, though Sand and Trad were still people he enjoyed spending time with. "Yeah, sorry about that. I was just... dealing with stuff. I don't want to really get into it now and risk returning to my sour mood, but for now... Well I'm back to feeling like me again," he replied. Turning to Llyr as he asked for an introduction to Trad, the redhead student replied back in his best announcer voice, "Actually, I'm his hypeman. Trad over here is my team's resident tank. Wielding his weapons Gram and Sfa- Snai- Sva- his shield, Mr. Oak is capable of becoming the greatest immovable object Remnant has ever seen and it isn't because of all of those bags of chips and cigarettes. No, because my steadfast teammate here can use his semblance to root himself to the ground, becoming absolutely invincible with the only draw back being the inability to move. Should this warden of Beacon ever enter the ring, you'd be a fool to not put your money on Trad Oak!" After finishing his long winded introduction, Robert flashed the shieldbearer a smile and a thumbs up.