[@Shifter_Master][@Ariamis][@PlatinumSkink][@t2wave][@Card Captor] Sue didn't catch much of what Violet was saying, but she was sure the Djinn was just trying to be polite. No one would have to be bothered on Sue's behalf though. She knew Alexander was over reacting, but after disgracing herself so much, the familiar welcomed the magical boy's choice to take Lily and her away from it all. Well, Deni was a lot nicer than Sue expected at least. She'd have to eat those onion rings and tater tots for the both of them now. Once they were outside, she flew off of Alexander's shoulder and dove into her handbag. Once there, Sue pushed around her clothes until she found her phone. It was still on. “Amber.” Sue was whispering. She was quite confident no one could hear her with all the focus being on the talking magical girls. “We're done.” “Did Mariette show?” “Of a fashion. She's pretty creative with those portals.” Sue sighed. “It went down pretty much like you said it would. Lily looks upset, so don't rub it in too much.” “I would not rub something like that in!” “You would if it was me.” “True, but we're long standing friends.” Amber cleared her throat. “Were there any other developments?” “Yea.” Sue looked out the top of the bag before turning back to the phone. “The magical girls who granted my wish are here.” Silence. Sue thought the line had gone silent. “Hello?” “Just thinking to myself. Rest up Sue. Have Lily call me if she needs anything. See you soon.” “Buh-bye!” Sue pecked the call button on her phone. Though she couldn't help but think that Shining Scale was up to something. [hr] [@Flamelord][@Shifter_Master] What was Elroy doing? The tar roof of the building wasn't exactly comfortable for Regina lay on. The plan was for Elroy to get as close as possible, then attack the bow-wielding woman when she was vulnerable. He wasn't gaining anything by drawing this out. Time was of the essence. Why was he waiting? Regina could only think of one thing: That he knew it would be a mistake to carry out her plan. Regina had stated previously that she had no interest in becoming a target of beacon, so why was she attacking them now? This anger she felt, was it more her mental mutation talking than herself? She didn't know anymore. The succubus placed a hand on the side of her head and closed her eyes. Maybe Elroy was dragging this out because he knew this. Yes, Elroy was always eager for a fight. The only time he hesitated was when he knew it would be a bad idea to do so. The only time he ever went against her wishes was when it was for her benefit, like during that fight with Caroline. Elroy had only just recently entered Regina's life, and she occasionally forgot how protective he was of her. Elroy was looking after her, and he knew this was a mistake. That had to be it. But what was this? Penny's thought patterns were changing. She was moving towards Elroy's position. Did she think Regina was a fool? Beacon was nothing but a bunch of scheming opportunists! Regina waved her gun in the air and five black mortars appeared around her, concealed behind her veil of invisibility. Sound was unfortunately beyond the scope of her magic. Everyone was going to hear her first attack. She pulled back the bolt on her sniper staff and waited. “Look.” Elroy turned to face Alicia. “I actually just came here to enjoy a meal with my friend. So Socks, we have people to impress, so maybe we can compromise.” He gestured towards the building with his hands, still making eye contact with Alicia. “Maybe we answer some questions, you bugger off, Regina and I eat, then we'll leave and never-” ...That was about when Elroy's ten seconds were up.