[quote=@Skyswimsky] [s]This is like all my waifus at once[/s] Though Battoru Royal RPs, from my experience, tend to die quickly if not taken care of by a tight narrative with some heavy railroading. Not to mention that such RPs generally attract the kind of people who spend way too much time [s]having a dick-contest[/s] [i]discussing[/i] things about fictional power-levels OOCly in a heated manner which sets a bad mood rather than enjoying the chuunige for what it is and just writing something nice. Aka I am worried about core-believes clashing because I'm pretty sure a 'I want to be faster than anyone.'-Schreiber wannabe would very much not like it if he or she gets fucked by something like [s]Fuji's timehax[/s] Shirou's awesomeness or Longinus Backstab. Would you just [s]play kindergartner[/s] use your GM powers to its fullest and tell the fighting children to split the cookie [s]because the're clearly too full of themselves to welcome the idea of sharing is caring[/s]? Basically, if you would have mentioned Tokyo Babel too this would have spoken to me on all levels so I'd probably join. But after having seen so much failure what can you tell me that gives this the [i]edge[/i] that it won't die compared to the many others? [/quote] If I mentioned Tokyo Babel or Ayakashibito then it'd have been too much even for my chuuni ranking. At any rate, to jack the themes of Nasuverse, this whole deal is a battle of concepts. To that end, I readily invite OOC debate about what should happen in a given clash. However, to codify things further, I will be making use of some aspects like the Fortissimo parameter system so that it's not just miscellaneous wanking in a vacuum. With that said, while this is a "PvP" RP (well unless you all decide "fuck this shit" and attack the person making you fight to the death, which is totally an option, I'm not the kind to say "no my NPC is the strongest you can't win do what I say"), it's also fundamentally just a mess of chuuni fun, so if people start getting heated then I'll be breaking that up. Conflict resolution in the case of disagreement will have two stages. First, the participants can chat it out about their own perspective and whatnot; others are welcome to chime in, but don't use that to persuade your friends to gang up on somebody with you. This'll at least let people air their perspectives, and also because the chuuni debates over which power should win are just fun to have. After everyone's said their piece, I'll evaluate everything and pass down a verdict. I'll also be including a Tiger Dojo knockoff to explain things further, in the case of a character death. As far as what's to stop this from dying, there are some bits and pieces peppered around as insurance against some of the usual pitfalls. For instance, the smart thing to do in most battle royales is camp out and do prep time shit; here, that's pointless, and also if everyone just hides then you all die in 24 hours. Fate/stuff has a pitfall of "what happens when someone has to drop out", especially with the partner dynamic; here, that's less of an issue. This is also going to be pretty fast-paced in its execution, as compared to something like a Holy Grail War which spans 14 days out of necessity. Little things like that have been built into the setting and mechanics as safeguards against the more common shit that kills this kinda thing off. Of course, they're not guarantees, but you can't exactly make an RP that's guaranteed to make it to completion; in the end, that just depends on if the players and GM can work as a cohesive enough unit to get off their asses and write a damn story. Hopefully that'll be the case here, but if not I'll at least write one hell of a killswitch-RP-ending post should it wind up dying.