[quote=@Wernher] snip! [/quote] Almost forgot to edit this one in. I like it and everything about it. The only part that confused me was whether or not you're a corporate or a netrunner, but I'll just assume you're a rich background netrunner. Just remember as a netrunner, your job is more hacking and existing within the virtual world, so try not to play as corporate as 'hacker-hacker-hehexd'. [quote=@Komager] So this is what I have so far. I haven't gone through the reading in great depth so I can almost guarantee there's a whole tonne of inconsistencies with the lore and errors that will need correcting. I wasn't sure how to tie his story together and bring him into the gang so any advice on that would be very welcome. Of course criticism is welcome, I can change whatever needs to be changed. Once I've nailed down the character I'll work out all his augmentations and armaments etc. [hider=WIP - Nate Dawson] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/h07sTNo.jpg[/img][/center] [h3][sup][center][b]Nate 'Stitch' Dawson[/b][/center][/sup][/h3] [sup][sup][h3][center][b]"Please try not to scream. This is probably gonna hurt. A lot."[/b][/center][/h3][/sup][/sup] [hr][hr] [color=orange][b]LOOKS[/b] Nate is not a physically imposing man, standing at a rather average six feet tall, with a long legs and a slim, wiry build. He always stands slightly slouched or leant on something, creating a casual and relaxed air about him. His hair is jet black, as is the thick stubble that covers his squared jaw. His nose is large and comes to a sharp point. His eyes glow orange from his implants, and he always has an earpiece in his right ear. He often wears a long brown coat lined with red, with black boots and gloves. His outfit is deliberately chosen to make him look larger than he is, partly out of an acute self awareness of his skinny frame making him look an easy target and partly because he finds it more comfortable than tight fitting garb. [b]PSYCHE[/b] Nate is an easy going, confident man, sure of himself almost to the point of irritating arrogance. Cool under pressure, Nate prioritises efficiency, and almost everything he does is fast and purposeful. When he speaks, he does so for a reason, preferring to avoid idle small talk when possible. Intelligent in his field, Nate is stubborn and struggles to be told he's wrong. When he has ideas and others reject them, he finds himself sulking almost like a child. Despite being talented at his job, many doubt Nate because of his immaturity and childish tendencies. [b]HEAT[/b]. Nate is known to the police due to his current occupation of performing illegal black market surgeries and installations to people too poor to get treatment in federal hospitals, but is considered a small time criminal and they don't waste their time hunting for him. While his methods aren't always clean, they get the job done, although a few unsatisfied customers have sent thugs after him to collect refunds, leaving a few bumps and bruises in the process. While he'd like to be able to say he does it to help others, it's really because it's easy money, and the demand is high. [b]STREET CRED[/b] Basically no-one. Those he's helped know his name and tell their friends in need, but he's a far cry from a legend of the streets of Night City. [b]THE STORY[/b] In hindsight, compared to most others, Nate Dawson had lived a very mundane and sheltered life so far. Nate was born in Old Downtown region of Night City, as the eldest of three children. Nate's father, Jay, was a dockworker, living a life of manual labour, while his mother, Maria, worked as an administrative assistant at the Night City Medical Center. His two younger siblings are his sister Jessica, 4 years his junior, and brother Theo, 6 years younger than him. With both of their parents working shifts often more than 5 days a week, it was usually Nate's job to take care of his younger siblings, even from a very young age. Nate worked hard in school, with his favourite subjects being biology, chemistry and technical engineering. He dreamed of being an engineer, hoping to set up his own company and develop his own augmentations to sell to the general public, hoping one day he would be able to earn enough money to set his family up comfortably somewhere away from the dark and dangerous Night City. However, this dream never materialised, and when an opening arose for an internship at the Night City Medical Center through his mother, he gratefully jumped at the chance. Seeing it as just a chance to gain some experience and earn a bit of cash, Nate instead got an experience that changed his ambitions entirely. He was adamant he wanted to become a surgeon. Nate worked hard over the next year and eventually, with a little inside help from his mother, scraped his way into the Night City Medical School. At the NCMS he was in an environment in which he thrived; faced with new and exciting tasks every day, fed more knowledge than one man could ever want. It was here that Nate really grew into the man he is today, learning all the skills he needed to become a surgeon and becoming a confident, calm and collected young man. Nate passed his finals with flying colours and graduated from the NCMS, walking straight into a graduate position as a surgery assistant at the Medical Center, where he would observe and assist a senior surgeon and learn all the procedures and tricks for the job he hoped to inherit. After two years at the centre, Nate still hadn't progressed to the position of a full surgeon. His boss claimed it was because he wasn't ready, but Nate had meticulously memorised every procedure he had witnessed. Brimming with enthusiasm and charisma, there had never been a man more ready, and Nate felt they were deliberately holding him back. When Nate's father was let go from his job at the docks times were tough, and Nate did all he could to help support his family off his meagre junior surgeon's salary. However, with job searches proving fruitless, his family upped stakes and moved out of the city, moving first to Monterey and then further north to San Francisco when that proved just as unsuccessful. Nate remained in Night City alone, adamant to fulfil his hopes of becoming a surgeon. Yet Nate made no progress. He had seen new graduates come, ascend and leave in the years he worked there. Eventually he quit, and went freelance. He never informed his family, who still believe he works as a junior surgeon at the NCMC. However, Nate now works as a freelance surgeon, performing black market surgeries and installations of illegally acquired custom augmentations. This is where he earned the nickname 'Stitch', which he often uses as a street name to hide his true identity. The money is much, much better than it was at the center, although it does carry a much greater risk of being shot in the back down a dark alleyway. [b]ARMED IN THE ONE AND TWENTY[/b] Tools, augments, Weapons, other gear. List them off. You automatically have 2000 EB (eurobucks) at start, use it wisely on your weapons. If you choose to start armed (wise in 2020) make sure you name the gun/melee/armor and price) [b]...AND THE REST[/b][/color] [/hider] [/quote] I like it. A lot. Just so you know, you being a ripperdoc basically means you need a way to install things yourself. Whether it be extremely painful surgery that could potentially kill someone or an AutoDoc that puts that stuff together for you; albeit, painful, Autodocs are still a lot shorter time. In the future, you'll be asked to detail more on what you're doing, but not to the level where we want you to explain every step if you can not. Med-techs are the geniuses behind putting two things together and wondering, "how do we get that on a human?" You'll have a lot of fun with it, I'm sure. Just remember that you'll literally the one way people can get beefy cyber. Of course, there's competition, but hospitals are not very fond of installing weapons into you, so the ripperdocs feed on those that will pay a pretty penny. Other than that, med-techs are medics at heart, so don't be afraid to fix up any wounded at your leisure. [quote=@Thecrash20] Still a WIP, but most of the stuff is there! Read it with a 40's Brooklyn Greaser accent or a Italian Mafia voice for full effect. [hider=Heresssss Johnny!] [h1][sup][center][b] [color=f26522]Johnny "Doe" Wiser[/color][/b][/center][/sup][/h1] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/55/f7/c7/55f7c7c34daeeb4f740dcfc6b9a06551.jpg[/img][/center] [sup][sup][h3][center][b] [color=f26522]"That is a shame. Guess the local obituary will have a few more names this week..."[/color][/b][/center][/h3][/sup][/sup] [h3][center][color=gray] [b][u]LOOKS[/u][/b] [/color][/center][/h3] [i][color=gray]Whats he look like? Whats it too 'yah? Eh, whateva. Not like you'll notice him if you find him![/color][/i] Johnny looks very much like his Role in the gang... Undercover. He doesn't have anything that makes him look too different than the average working man. No noticeable scars, tattoos, or some crazy haircut so many other Gangers are used to flaunting. He is also most always wearing Jeans with a tucked in Shirt and tie and some sort of coat. Dresses always like he has business, because he always does. Best bet would be looking in Gang territory for a man who doesn't look like he belongs and still well known enough to not be fucked with. [h3][center][color=gray] [b][u]PSYCHE[/u][/b] [/color][/center][/h3] [color=gray][i]What's Johnny like? Let me tell you about that crazy motherfucker! Or at least from what I heard...[/i][/color] Johnny doesn't give two fucks about 'nothin. His personal safety being one of those. Even with a gun pointed to his head he still has a joke to babble out. For some odd reason it has given him more credit than 9mm to the skull. I mean, it makes sense. Everyone like a Man with huge balls, especially if this Man is a hilarious Wise ass. Look, all you need to know is he doesn't care who or what you are. If he's coming for you he'll find you, stand over you as your Empire of filth and evil burns down around you, and whisper one final words to you: [i]"It was the Aristocrats!"[/i]. Oh yeah and one last thing, apparently he's a sweetheart personally and has a real bad addiction to cigarettes and Woman. Especially the Woman! [h3][center][color=gray] [b][u]HEAT[/u][/b] [/color][/center][/h3] [color=gray][i]I don't even know what the corps is yet. Boop boop boo[/i][/color] [h3][center][color=gray] [b][u]STREET CRED[/u][/b] [/color][/center][/h3] [color=gray][i]Only his Big boss knows this. Ask that schmuck. Next![/i][/color] He's nobody by face. Ever heard of 'The Doe'? Well his name is Johnny, like John... Doe? Eh? Eh? Now you got the gears turning. [h3][center][color=gray] [b][u]The Story[/u][/b] [/color][/center][/h3] [color=gray][i]Oh come on... No one knows the truth behind Johnny! Their is just rumors. Eh? You don't even know them? Who do you work for again?[/i][/color] So, not much is known about Johnny Doe. Why? Well I don't know. Do you have a article about your life online? Alright then... Like I was saying Johnny's origin are just from word of mouth. Nothing can be found about him and only his Gang's Boss knows the name. If he is even in a gang. Man you see what I mean? All rumors. He talks to some people here and there, all those people call him by several different names, but their description of him match what we do know. From some Pimp known as 'Maximus' seemed to have the most info on Johnny. Giving us our first truth that he definitely like the Company of Woman. Ok, Johnny worked some bullshit ass Job in little Italy. It paid good and he had a nice living for a bit, until his wife caught some disease or cancer or some shit. Again, all speculation. Well something happened with his job and they fucked the guy, hard! He can't pay his wife's medical bills, she croaks and the man puts a nine to his dome and... Boom! Blows his brains out all over their home. Sad tail truly... Ah, ok that's not where the story ends. Well look, the Man survives and almost basically unharmed after a few months. This man is different though, like his emotions are faded, his personality warped. Well at least his John wasn't. If anything it was an improvement! Hahahaha... [i]Ahem[/i]. Like I was saying he's actually pretty ok, missed all the vital stuff somehow when he pulled the trigger. So almost a year later he find out about who fucked him and comes back to him. This dude ends up hanging the fucker off a building he owned with a sign saying "The ignorance is coming to an End", whatever the fuck that means, but it was pretty Metal! Remember, it was almost a year ago? Well ever sense them, crazy leaks and stories been coming out with the end always being signed Johnny Doe. Again this is all speculation and we don't know shit from fuck. This could all be a bunch of shit. We got some rumors saying he's a identity a group of Netrunners hide behind. Some say this is just a Media group to the public and hiring Solos to due the dirty for them, just for a story. Even heard that the story I just told you was made from a drunk asshole near a club. What ever he is gets results tho. I personally think he was an ex Solo, but whatever floats your boat, Kid. [h3][center][color=gray] [b][u]ARMED IN THE ONE AND TWENTY[/u][/b] [/color][/center][/h3] [color=gray][i]What kind of question is that? What's next? You want me to tell you about his favorite Sneaker brand? [/i][/color] [u][b]Armor:[/b][/u] -Kevlar Clothing: 45 -Light Armor Jacket:150 Total: 195 [u][b]Weapons:[/b][/u] -Switch Blade: 15 -Brass Knuckles:10 -Federated Arms X-9mm (+Silencer): 500 Total:695 [u][b]Gear:[/b][/u] -Digital Camera+Recorder : 450 -Video/Audio Tape Player: 40 -Binoculars: 20 -Card Lock lvl 3: 300 -Key Lock lvl 5: 100 -Movement Sensor:50 -Med Kit: 50 Total:1010 Total: 1900 [/hider] [/quote] Forgive me if this sounds stupid, but I'm gonna need you to straight up tell me what your character "is" because the story you've written is so "based on rumors" that not even the GM can decipher what you are ^^ In short, I just need your role in the group. I wasn't sure if you're an average joe solo, but that's the impression I got. [quote=@vietmyke] [hider=Reinhardt, Jack] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/7jAkkwm.jpg[/img][/center] [h3][sup][center][b][color=cyan]Jack Reinhardt[/color][/b][/center][/sup][/h3] [sup][sup][h3][center][b]You're a dead man, you just don't know it yet.[/b][/center][/h3][/sup][/sup] [color=gray] [b]LOOKS[/b] [color=cyan]Jack is a big man. Standing over most at 6'5", Jack is a bear of a man, built like a truck and hitting just about as hard. He has a serious and imposing demeanor, with a rigid posture and broad shoulders. Jack has rough facial features, age lines strongly imprinted on his face lack of youthful enthusiasm implies this man has seen some shit. His face is curtained off by a thick brown beard, and a white head of hair, while a large scar runs down the left side of his face. The most notable part of his body is his left arm, which has been replaced by a black cyberarm. His outfits are plain and disposable, t-shirts and tank tops with jeans and cargo pants, tucked into utilitarian boots, and covered by leather jackets.[/color] [b]PSYCHE[/b] [color=cyan]Straight edged and to the point, Jack is cool headed and streetwise. Cynical and jaded, Jack is generally aloof and untrusting and is slow to warm up to others. Jack is as confident as he is ruthless, and in his younger years, he had gotten into trouble more than once for violent conduct and insubordination in the workplace. Though generally calm, Jack has a bit of a temper, and can get fairly aggressive when properly riled up. His mere presence can be intimidating to those of weaker will and constitution, and even those with tougher constitution find themselves scared shitless when this man decides to start interrogating. Despite his gruff and prickly exterior, Jack holds a begrudging soft spot for children- despite the fact that his appearance typically scares them. [/color] [b]HEAT[/b] [color=cyan]A man named 'Thomas Reacher', matching Jack's relative build and description is currently on the local Triad's shit-list. Not that Jack's build and description is particularly unique. The Triad's are pretty hush hush about [i]why[/i] they want Reacher, but 500 creds to bring him to the underboss for a 'chat' is a bit more than just pocket change. [/color] [b]STREET CRED[/b] [color=cyan]Jack Reinhardt is a nobody, and he likes it that way. Keeps nights at the bar nice and quiet. [/color] [b]THE STORY[/b] [color=cyan] Born and raised in Night City, Jack Reinhardt was born the oldest son to the Night City police officer, and a doctor. His childhood was not one of major note, he went to public school, got relatively good grades, got into a few scraps, and made it to adulthood without dying. With only average marks in school, and not enough money to go to college, Jack opted instead for military service and at the age of 18 enlisted in the Army. He met the woman of his dreams shortly afterwards, and got married at the age of 21. 4 years later, his daughter was born. The family lived a rather mundane life, with a small apartment in the city, but were happy. Happiness is a fleeting sensation in Night City, and it wouldn't last long. Jack's life in the military resulted in him staying away from home for months at a time. His wife eventually got involved in drugs- Super-Sid, as the street called it, a doped up version of your everyday acid. Missed calls, strained arguments, and heated shouting matches over the course of a few years, and Jack and his wife would eventually separate, his ex-wife taking their daughter with her. Burnt out, upset, and disillusioned, Jack left the military and moved back home to Night City. There weren't many legal careers for a man with no college degree, and little training outside shooting and fighting, but instead of turning to crime, Jack eventually began finding work as a police officer, his military training and aptitude quickly taking him from beat cop to detective in a short two years. Despite his unorthodox (read: violent) methods and occasional disciplinary hearing, Jack was did well in the NCPD, breaking arms and limbs, shooting down crims, and getting no small amount of shit for it. It was around this time he first got involved with his current 'crew'. Local Triads were breaking the status quo- being too rowdy, going and spreading their influence outside their 'agreed upon' boundaries with the police, starting fights with other mobs- often to the detriment of life and legal businesses. In short, they were causing more trouble than their payoffs to the police were worth. Luckily for the NCPD, the Triads were muscling in on the territory of a local gang, the aforementioned 'Crew'. A couple discreet discussions, agreements and an exchange of several thousand creds worth of funds later, Jack was inserted into a local Triad auxiliary for an undercover assignment to undermine the Triad's influence outside their agreed upon boundaries. The events of the actual case are concealed behind miles of red tape, black books, and disclosed records, but the long and short of it was the Triad's were forced out of their newly acquired territory and forced back into their usual stomping grounds. While the Triads didn't lost any particularly large amounts of funds- as their venture into this new territory was relatively small by their standards, it was still a kick to their shins. Anyhow, life went on for Jack Reinhardt for another few years. After a shift in power up the chain of command, and one too many arguments with the new police chief for his violent, and at times brutal methods, Jack found himself at the losing end of a police operation doomed to go wrong. Burned and left for dead, Jack went underground. Replacing his destroyed left arm with a cybernetic from a local black market doctor, Jack shredded his identity, and used his remaining contacts to burn any trace of his existence. He then joined up with the 'Crew' as a source of income- his prior dealings with them and 'efficient' means of handling things earning him a small welcome from the gang. [/color] [b]ARMED IN THE ONE AND TWENTY[/b] [color=cyan]Augments [list] [*]Cyber-eye - 500 [*]Soviet Cyberarm - 669 [/list] Cost: 1169 Weapons [list] [*]Armalite 44 - 450 [/list] Cost: 450 Armor [list] [*]Kevlar Clothing - 45 [*]Kevlar Vest - 100 [*]Light Armor Jacket - 150 [/list] Cost: 295 Gear [list] [*]Med-kit - 50 [/list] Total:1964 [/color] [b]...AND THE REST[/b] [color=cyan] Jack has a small safehouse in the Crew's territory- an emergency stash for when shit really hits the fan, Jack bought and furnished it during his undercover operation with the Triads. Siphoning funds from the police department, Jack has set himself up with a small, well protected safe room in a small derelict apartment building. A bed, backup gun, and 500 EB - enough for a ticket out of the city and pocket change are stashed there, all hidden away and locked behind a high grade keylock. [/color] [/color] [/hider] [/quote] Looks perfect but I'm gonna ask about [*]Soviet Cyberarm - 669 because I don't see that anywhere in the links we provided. Feel free to correct me because I probably just don't see it.