With a yawn and a drowsy expression on his face Satoshi woke up and after a minute or two realized it was a little later then he expected to wake up. By a little of course he meant alot like at least a couple of hours. [color=f9ad81]"Crap...probably shouldn't have stayed up watching anime all night...Oh well not like I'm missing much today anyway."[/color] Satoshi then yawned a second time and forced himself out of bed and got himself dressed. He then decided he might aswell check his fridge for something to eat but ultimately felt too lazy to cook and just ate a bowl of cereal. [color=f9ad81]"Likely should at least head to the school maybe something fun's happening".[/color] Satoshi then began to grab all his stuff which was likely more then necessary as he always brings some first aid stuff as well as emergency food and drinks with him everywhere aswell as his trusty laptop and his phone. He then began to walk outside and start walking towards the school hopefully nobody would notice how late he was.