[hider=Yuu] [center] [img]http://samequizy.pl/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/filing_images_d5620516a106.jpeg[/img] [color=DC143C][i][b]"Its never that serious, sometimes you just have to go with it.[/b][/i][/color] [/center] [hr] [color=DC143C][b]Name:[/b][/color] Yuu Akihito [color=DC143C][b]Race:[/b][/color] Kitsune [color=DC143C][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=DC143C][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Yuu is a young male with an lean swimmers build. He stands at 5'11 and has pitch black hair and red eyes. He has 5 tails and all of them are the same color as his hair, his fox ears are usually hidden and come out when he gets excited. He has cream colored skin with a glow and his eyes are a crimson red. He likes to wear black and red clothes, [url=https://i.ebayimg.com/images/a/(KGrHqF,!iME3TIktyGhBN2g(hPogw~~/s-l300.jpg]kimonos[/url] and [url=https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1yW0.IFXXXXc9XFXXq6xXFXXXv/DMMD-Dramatical-Murder-Koujaku-Kimono-Cosplay.jpg]yukata[/url]. His tails can be seen all of the time and flicking with mischief. He has a red mask he wears when he turns into a fox or wants to hide his face. His ears are pointed and fluffy, he has two tattoos, a binding tattoo on his neck that keeps him in human form and a [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/49/0a/3b/490a3b98d0387398391ff423fb893849--fox-tattoo-design-fox-design.jpg]fox tattoo[/url] on his right pectoral. [hider=Kitsune] [img]https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/mgefanon/images/a/ab/Male_kitsune.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160108192128[/img] [/hider] [color=DC143C][b]Magic Schools:[/b][/color] [list] [*]Mana: 1 [*]Lighting: 9 [*]Spirit: 6 [*]Mental: 1 [*]Fire: 1 [/list] [color=DC143C][b]Technique:[/b][/color] [b][i]Flex Bolt:[/i][/b] Yuu summons a bolt of lighting that he can change the size and shape of to what ever fits his needs. The bolt, no matter the size will still contain the same amount of power that he originally put into it. It take more skill and concentration to compress more powerful bolts. Using stronger bolts drains his energy quickly though so he tends to leave this until then end of a fight. [b][i]Arc Shot:[/i][/b] Yuu will make a fake gun with his hand and fire off shots of pure energy. These shots of energy carry the same force and average distance as a 9mm. This is Yuu's favorite technique. [b][i]Spiritual Phasing:[/i][/b] Yuu can phase his body for 15 seconds at a time in and out of the spirit realm, when he phases, Yuu turns into a red specter of his former self, ghostly and made of eldritch energy. He does not like to go on in this form longer than 15 seconds because he could get lost in the spirit realm. [color=DC143C][b]Abilities:[/b][/color] [b][i]Fox Form:[/i][/b] Yuu can remove his bindings and dawn his fox mask to turn into his [url=http://oi59.tinypic.com/104mddj.jpg]fox form[/url]. He does not gain anything he did not have before, except he uses his tail instead of his hands to shoot lighting, also there are three wisp that follow him. [b][i]Fox Fire:[/i][/b] He can summon a small wisp. to light his path, send messages, or spy on someone. If the wisp is more than 10 feet Yuu must enter into a meditative state to keep the wisp alive, in this state he controls the wisp and makes it do what he wants. The fire itself cannot harm anyone, even though it can set things on fire they do not burn. [color=DC143C][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [list] [*]Japanese & Chinese: Yuu speaks fluent Japanese and Chinese. [*]Slight of Hand: Yuu has a knack for cheating, with his slight of hand he has won many card games, dominoes, board games etc. [*]Charisma: Yuu is a great people person, he can read most and can wear many different "mask" to fit any situation. [/list] [color=DC143C][b]Bio:[/b][/color] Yuu Akihito comes from the Kyoto Prefecture, where the Akihito clan reigns from. His mother is the famous 9-tailed Lighting fox [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/de/45/81/de4581bd2787eb4c486a51f6c7ae80ab.jpg]Chie Akihito[/url]. She took a mate and gave birth Yuu and raised him alone. His clan is not royalty but simply famous for being called upon to do work for the gods, and they have produced more 9-tailed Kitsune then any of their cousins. The Akihito clan was called upon numerous times to do espionage missions and assassinations. The Akihito clan played both sides of the Chinese and Japaneses pantheons, and never turned away a job from anyone. It was these acts that made them disliked by the other Kitsune clans, and gave them the title of "sell-outs", but it was in the act of selling out that the Akihito Clan is one of 6 remaining Kitsune clans and the most prosperous. Yuu spent most of his early childhood in his fox form, he was the youngest of his litter, and he has 5 other siblings. It is a custom in their clan to learn and live in the older traditions of the Kitsune, they feel it makes for better clansmen. Yuu grew up a mamas boy ans stuck close and learned from his mother personally, she taught him her magic and showed the real ways of people and mischief. As Yuu got older he wondered more and more about his father and soon asked for permission to go out and find him. Chie permitted it only in the grounds that he attended Arkangrad Academy, to learn more control and about the world, and that he not return until he earned his all 9 of his tails. He accepted her demands and set out with only 5 tails and to Arkangrad Academy. [/hider]