[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/70l9RvR.png[/img][/center][hr][center][@GodOfWar] [@Kuma] [@liferusher][/center][hr] On the walk home, or rather back to L.O.S.E.R., Kaz garners quite a few looks from passerby on account of his bodily injuries. Kaz doesn't notice however as he is often lost in his existential thoughts. [color=#A31221][i]"Why are we here? Only to suffer? How do I know that I exist? Maybe I don't. Maybe none of us do. Maybe we're all fictitious characters created by some random people on an internet forum somewhere-"[/i][/color] Kaz's train of thought is stopped when he violently bumps into the pole of a street light. Some time later, Kaz arrives back at the shabby academy, having missed the congratulatory speech delivered earlier by Lorken. He enters from the front and walks the hall. His eyes seem focused if not devoid of all hope. This is a man on a mission. He stops at one particularly point in the hallway and stares down the object of his anxiety: the crooked portrait he saw earlier in the day. [color=#A31221]"This won't do."[/color] Encompassing the soul of a rebellious revolutionary, Kaz will defy the "no touching" rule of the tyrant, Lorken, for the good of the people. Setting his bag down so that both hands are free, he proceeds to fix this blight on humanity. As soon as his finger tips make contact with the portrait, it falls forward and onto the floor—the wooden frame breaking apart in several places with a sticker saying "Made in China" apparent on one of the pieces. [i]Why are we here? Only to suffer?[/i] Kaz picks up the broken wooden frame pieces and the portrait canvas itself and briskly hides them behind a nearby table before walking away whistling. The outline of where a portrait once hung can clearly be seen in the wake of what will later be referred to as simply "the incident". And even it's crooked. Where to now? There's like- What? Two other people in this whole damn place? Kaz hasn't bumped into anyone yet. Maybe an excursion to the cafeteria will reveal something of interest. Taking a beating sure does embolden the hunger pangs. Wandering aimlessly around, he somehow makes his way to his destination in like a minute. It isn't all that big of a place really. As soon as he steps inside, he sees the goat boy—what was his name again? Wank Cobra? And the guy that looks exactly like Kaz himself if Kaz was taller, better looking, have more muscle mass, is not plagued by anxiety, and drinks lots of dairy. This man is his eternal rival. And then a sweat drop travels down the side of Kaz's face. What the hell is he looking at? Kaz reaches into his grocery bag and pulls out a can of bug spray, shaking it as he walks toward the group in the kitchen.