[@tfd] He's kind a mix between a solo and a Media. I would classify him as a Media. The idea I had is he works for the Gang, but very undercover like. So, like you said in the Interest check he is going to be their rat. They keep his identity very much need to know due to him usually finding out information about Corporations or People that are very incriminating. If they knew who he was they would just send out a solo to come kill him. He was put on this path due to the lose of his wife from a corporation doing some shady things and end up with him out of the job. No one knows really who he is besides the Gang Boss, which is why the character sheet is put as if they are questioning some Rat and him not sure what to say. Since his actual background is so illusive. Obviously the info that was told is true, due to me actually taking the time to write it, but IC wise no one is truly sure(save for the boss).