[quote=@vietmyke] I mainly went with the sovietarm because the standard cyberarm was a full 2000, and seeing as that's literally our entire budget, I decided to go with a cheaper alternative. [/quote] Makes sense. Just remember if something's cheaper, it's usually that way because it's not as good. I like it for your character though. Neo-Soviet equipment dropped onto the blackmarket and sold off until it reached you. [quote=@Lonewolf685] [@tfd] I don't begrudge your use of Ghosting, given I don't much want to have my online status always available for viewing, but given that you have only 2 Posts in 2 days and are the Co-GM here, I wanted to ask about how active you are and if you and Dead Drop are communicating outside the OOC. This isn't a criticism of your competence. From what we've seen your verbose, informative, and do wonders in clearing up some of the more confusing elements here. I'm just concerned how much of a presence you'll have as Co-GM. [/quote] I'm as active as I'm needed/as active as I can be. Where Drop isn't as crippled to post, I am, as I have other things I do. I can promise you that after this week, you'll be seeing more of me. Don't worry though, there's two of us for a reason. I do communicate with Drop outside of this forums, yes. We are good friends. To end off, I'll have as much presence I'm needed here. Whether it be writing up the story/event, or cracking out various things I'm asked to do. You have every right to ask questions, don't worry ^^ [quote=@Thecrash20] [@tfd] He's kind a mix between a solo and a Media. I would classify him as a Media. The idea I had is he works for the Gang, but very undercover like. So, like you said in the Interest check he is going to be their rat. They keep his identity very much need to know due to him usually finding out information about Corporations or People that are very incriminating. If they knew who he was they would just send out a solo to come kill him. He was put on this path due to the lose of his wife from a corporation doing some shady things and end up with him out of the job. No one knows really who he is besides the Gang Boss, which is why the character sheet is put as if they are questioning some Rat and him not sure what to say. Since his actual background is so illusive. Obviously the info that was told is true, due to me actually taking the time to write it, but IC wise no one is truly sure(save for the boss). [/quote] Gotcha. I rememeber this now, just wanted to clarify everything before we kick it off and you're left in a bad spot because of our mistakes. Thanks!