[center][h2][color=violet]Elizabeth Reinholt[/color][/h2][/center] [color=violet]violet = speaking[/color] [color=lightcoral]lightcoral = thinking/mental communication with servant[/color] [hr] Finally, things had stopped and began to break up after what was an interesting and admittedly heated exchange between the masters and servant of Saber, Rider, and Berserker. Not that this all wouldn't have drawn more attention if anyone was keeping an eye out for large releases of prana like this that came with servant combat. Ah. That could be a problem if it came down to it, especially with Elizabeth herself being the master of the [s][b]most adorable,[/b][/s] [s][b]most likely to be dressed as a magical girl,[/b][/s] most vulnerable servant when it came to open combat. Assassin. Then again, all the enemies but Saber had vacated the area seemingly, unless there were familiars creeping in the background as well. Hmm, regardless, the chances of being able to snipe another master were not good right now with Saber literally starting to drag her master in the direction of the Church. Might as well do something else, then. Though if this girl decided to attack Jackie had a good shot at this little scared witch-looking girl if Saber did not keep her attention on her own master. Ah. Had to love that bit of strategy in moving her little girl back into a good position that was still behind the enemy for the time being. Still, a show of good faith might help settle the startled girl eventually, at least if she tried a calm approach instead of jumping out like a boogeyman on Halloween. Yeesh, what a night though for two masters to get into such a frantic panic at some point or another thus far. But she did feel a bit of sympathy for this girl, with how she seemed to sound and look and all. And she hoped she was not making the dumbest mistake of the war right now as well. [color=violet]"Hey, Master of Saber,"[/color] Elizabeth said, calmly and carefully emerging from her hiding place and into plain view in front of Mira and Saber, doing her best to put on a calm air for the situation though seeming to possess a curious sort of glint in her eyes as well, while overall her position seemed to be more neutral than anything...at least, if that helped her approach at all a bit in front of the startled girl and her servant, [color=violet]"You did good in that fight, and your servant seems top notch to hold back an enemy like that Rider. Though it seems the nerves are getting to you right now. Ah. I'd make you a cup of fresh tea to help that, but i left my fresh Japanese tea back at my base. A shame, really."[/color] The black-haired woman made a slight, casual shrug before continuing on speaking to Mira and Saber. Perhaps she was being stupid....perhaps she was measuring this girl's ability to respond to new event...eh, or perhaps she just wanted to avoid being found by accident and attacked out of the blue by this Saber. Still, her Jackie was still concealed, and likely would strike if this girl or her servant attempted to harm Elizabeth herself. A bonus of being the Master of Assassin, perhaps. [color=violet]"Mmm, but that aside, someone probably sensed that fight that just took place, with all that prana being released and such. So you might want to book it to the Church a bit faster than this, perhaps letting your servant carry you even for speed's sake. As for me, i'm just headed back to the Church as well to take a small breather after watching that fight in that stupid crouching position,"[/color] the woman continued, maintaining her calm demeanor while trying to read what the girl and her servant would do, [color=violet]"Since its a war and all, though, ya don't have to trust me at all. Heck, i'd understand why you wouldn't considering what just happened. But if i were in your position, i'd definitely take the advice about getting to the church fast. Consider it a friendly freebie."[/color] And with that, Elizabeth gave a small, casual "goodbye" wave to Mira, before applying reinforcement to her own legs and blitzing off towards the Church once more. At the same time, she kept her wits about her, keeping aware of her surroundings in case this girl or her servant decided to pursue her or attack. Not that this seemingly honor-bound servant would be as willing to do so as some other servants. Then again, that was a guess in and of itself. Blarg. Regardless, as she moved Elizabeth sent a message to her servant to keep on the same page. [color=lightcoral][i]'Jack, dear, follow me back to the church. Though if you see that girl or her servant try to attack me, feel free to protect Mommy, ok? You've been very good tonight, and that makes me very happy as well. And if we both live through tonight, i'll make you another special breakfast!'[/i][/color] And then a thought jumped into her mind. Chocolate chip pancakes. If they both lived to eat breakfast, that would be what Elizabeth made for the two of them. And really, she wanted to know how much her cute, small, adorable murderer might enjoy hot fresh pancakes with chocolate chips. With or without maple syrup though? Argh. Why were such things coming to mind at the moment for her? So the black-haired master let out a sigh aloud to herself as she continued her breakneck sprint towards the safety of the Church. If this were not a grail war, she'd have adopted her little white-haired cinnamon roll by now. [@VitaVitaAR][@Raineh Daze][@Feyblue]