As he called the girl in the picture beautiful, Diana buried her face in her hands to hide a blush. She pretended she was just rubbing her face from sleepiness, though. He essentially just called her beautiful. [i]There's no photos online of me with short hair, so he must be looking at long haired me. That's not a super big difference. Does still think I'm attractive now? Or is he immune to thinking of other guys as attractive?[/i] Diana pondered this. The waitress left after taking everyone's order. She seemed to scurry away because she could sense the tension in the air after Cadence's comment. Diana drew her hands away from her face and looked at her and Derek. She wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say. Until something popped into her mind. There was a few moments of heavy silence until she spoke, "She's not [i]that[/i] good looking. Maybe a 5/10, tops." She had never been so self deprecating before, but this situation called for it. Of course she didn't really think that way about herself, it was just to lift some of the dense air.