Derek raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? You just asked me if she was pretty and I answered Cadence." He said shrugging it off and rolled his eyes. She was about to snap back until Diana spoke and said that. "Yeah you're her cousin right?" He said looking at Damien rolling his eyes and looking at Cadence. "I think she's beautiful, why do I have to deny that for a girl I don't know and probably will never know, Cadence? It doesn't mean I don't think your-" "Why don't you go date her then?" Cadence snapped grabbing her stuff and leaving the restaurant. Derek watched her go along with her friend. He grabbed his water smiling at the guys who were awkward. "I guess that ended.." he laughed quietly drinking some water. "You could've just said the girl wasn't pretty." Harry laughed a bit as he grabbed his drink too. "Well I thought she was prettier than Cadence but I didn't want to say that now did I? Plus she asked." Derek said giving a shrug. "She'll be back around a week." He laughed. They all sort of laughed and started a regular conversation again.