"Generally not, my lady" Galiena replied as they walked. Seeing the dark elf's shocked expression at the suggestion she was leading the cleric to her death, she sought to put the record straight. "Iraetria only provided me transportation here, which I am grateful for. But the decision to come was my own. "I'm a follower of Lord of Light and of the Lady of the Eternal Flame, Adept of the Luminites Clerical Order in Ashdown," she said, solidifying her decision not to lie or mislead the Count about who she was. Besides, she was never any good at falsehoods. If the Count had some kind of feud with the Luminites, best she find that out before she helped retrieve whatever artifact he was after in the catacombs. "I suspected undead from my conversation with some of his other hired swords in the Headless Horseman earlier."