Diana blinked twice, surprised by their suddenly serious tone. Even when Cadence stormed out, they were still pretty carefree. "Hey man, don't worry about it," she reassured Derek. "I have better things to do than be a snitch." [i]Mental high-five for that one! That definitely sounded like something a guy my age would say.[/i] She started eating her food as Baylor tried convincing her to at least tag along. She thought for a bit before replying, "Well.. I guess I could be that one sober friend that keeps all of he- his- tipsy friends in check," Diana replied with a little shrug. It had been a long day already, so she didn't even know how long she'd be able to stay awake. She didn't want to disappoint her new friends. (Forgot to say this in my last post! I don't really know or care how Derek finds out, as long as it comes up naturally. So he [i]could[/i] walk in on her changing, or he could stumble upon her tampon box while looking for something, or unlock her phone and find out from there, etc :) )