[h2][center][color=2e3192]Alan Walker[/color][/center][/h2][hr] The young computer specialist was sitting in the corner of the room and listen as the conversation between some of his bests of friends unravel. His lips quirked in amusement as he shook his head lightly. Not the kind of amusement that was to mock them or laugh in their face and their misery, but a more sympathetic one, the one uttered by someone who was also powerless against those gangsters and street criminals. He too once lost a very valuable Persian carpet right inside his house, and right in front of his eyes as the burglar simply jumped out of the window like nobody's business. He tried to call the police then but they didn't even care. He understood that they had more urgent crimes to deal with, but leaving them alone unpunished like that was pretty cruel and unprofessional. This enabled him to have contingency plan and set up home security. It did prevent further burglaries, but sometimes it did not stop daring criminals from taking his stuff. He gently open the lid on his small laptop, his hand gracefully moved across the keyboard, his fingers tapped quietly on the keys, writing what he wanted on the screen in a matter of seconds. He tapped the 'Enter' key once he stopped dancing on the keyboard. The laptop quickly processed this little search key Alan entered, showing a variety of search results. Alan then picked the top most reliable and easy to understand search result. Then he turned the computer screen towards his friends, making sure that they all saw it, and spoke. [color=2e3192]"This is what I've just searched on the Internet. The crime rate at Long Beach has quadrupled comparing to two years earlier. The police forces are becoming more and more short-handed due to these statistics, and they are so busy dealing with crimes such as corruption, human trafficking and drug smuggling that they simply did not have the time to deal with petty issues like a smoothie robberies. Well, no offense."[/color] Alan then closed his laptop, enabling it into sleep mode, as he addressed the entire room with a slight sigh. [color=2e3192]"To be honest, if things like this keeps occurring unpunished, then I may have to move away sooner or later. Someday, it may not only be a stolen smoothie, snatched purse, a broken window car but your own life being robbed away."[/color] All with honesty. He was the only one unable to fight around here. For twenty years of his life, he only studied and studied. Never once did he have to touch a fist on anything, or anyone, due to the good environment he used to live in. But now that he was independent and living all by himself, he, for the first time, felt defenseless against criminals like his friends just said. That was the reason he rarely left his accommodation and instead preferred to work at home. Was there anything we could do against these pesky and morally degrading individuals?