[hr][hr][h1][center][color=662d91]Elissa Isley[/color][/center][/h1] [center][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/597ad75071a787f3d6651519c69ff415/tumblr_oqhnjkbV6w1u84a1xo1_500.gif[/img] Location: The Faithful Bride[/center][hr] Elissa liked the Spanish woman. She was fixing up Anastasia, and it helped to have someone who was able to fix that. No real surgeons around, and the Spanish woman seemed really nice. The other woman in the room, the one who Catalina had addressed as Virginia, well Elissa wasn't too sure about her. The woman seemed a little strange to her, and it was a little weird for her. The woman's skin was really pale, and she did not like the fact that her skin was so pale in an area that generally got quite a bit of sunshine. When Anastasia asked about rum, Elissa shook her head, trying hard to hide a smile.[color=662d91]"Zorry Anasdazia, I'm blum out of rum,"[/color] she said as she turned to Catalina again. [color=662d91]"Zank you Catalina for your help,"[/color] she said with a smile, but looked again at Virginia, who truthfully was starting to creep her out slightly. The woman just sat there, plucking at a flower, even when she was talking to someone.