Name: Zoey Martinez Alias: Zero Gender: Female Age: 19 Looks: [hider=Zero] [img][/img][/hider] Occupation: Currently working at a Joann’s Fabric Store in the Long Beach Commercial Center. Personality: Zoey is quiet, but has been more open in the past weeks as Zero. Zoey is often unseen and rarely heard. Zoey spends a lot of her time thinking about things, and what she can do to change things. Her hero life has quickly become her “personality”, and it allows her to have confidence. Backstory: Zoey played Lacrosse in high school, but even on her team she was fairly unknown. As a keeper there was a long tradition of of numbering them as Zero. She had memories of those days, when her father would come to watch her games. He barely knew English, but she could hear him chant “Zero is the Hero!” from the crowd. At the time she was so embarrassed, but now she’d give anything to hear that again. Her Lacrosse skills had got her a full ride scholarship at the State College. Her first year had gone fairly well, until she received news of her father’s death. She returned to Long Beach, to help support her family. Getting a job at Joann’s her family was able to skate by for the time being as her brother and sister grew. Her father’s death continued to weigh on her, he had been working as a security guard for a local company near the docks, and had been shot during a burglary. The police continued to tell the family that there wasn’t any solid leads. She's fed up with the system, and only really enjoys spending time with her new friends at Long Beach Commercial Center. Skills/Weapons: Zero uses a large stick/staff as her primary weapon. Outside of her athletic skills, she has average intelligence, but has been told that her writing is good for her age.