[@FalkiThomas]The Inquisitor had to supress a giggle. Hundreds of puns where coming to his mind. -No, you're in a high position now, humor is for free time... But I'm offshore, nobody knows me here, no hold it together, you're also here to make first impressions for the Inquisition.- he thought. "So Mister True, you're asking the one thing every member of the Inquisition is asking themselves for centuries, where do they come from? If I could provide an answer for this question there would be no need for the inquisition, which creates a political drama on it's own. We are not only hunters but scientists aswell, since the first inquisitor rose they have been working to understand where the call comes from. The late inquisitor was close to an answer before he got assassinated. He believed that this call to destroy all humans in our city comes from our dreams. He used to say that we can only dream of faces we have met in the waking world, so where come the monsters from our nightmares from? Truly a question that lets me shrug." He opened his book and flipped the pages till he found the right passage. "Here: A hunter's duty is not only to slay, but to seek the truth, that is what makes us an inquisition. Old worlds, surely, but true words aswell." The inquisitor remembered when he first had to learn the seven rules of the hunt by heart, it was sure practical that he was allowed to keep the book. "But something bothers me about what you have said, I am positive that some of the friendly examples of ,what we call nightbreed, fell victim to the so called witch trials. Trials wothout judges or defenders, just an angry jury and us executioners. This is why also I want to find the truth and make an end to those trials. The fire pit used to serve for sacrifices and festivities in the ancient times, I want to restore that instead of using it as a means of striking fear into the croud. ...fear..." The Inquisitor had to think for a short while. "It's ironic in how we fight fire with fire. The people are afraid of the nightbreed abd still we are striking even more fear into their hearts, by making them look even more suspicious. I dream of the day where we won't need the inquisition anymore, but there are many parties in it that would think the other way. For them the inquisition is just a means to power, and I bet they wouldn't give it up so easily."