As the guild hall collapsed around Lexus Dominiel and December, Lexus Dominiel was at first tempted to try to shield her from the debris. While knowing that Almighty God could not be harmed by such trivialities, Lexus Dominiel saw it as an affront to let December be sullied in any way. Yet her brooding silence and lack of response to Lexus Dominiel's report compelled Lexus Dominiel to stand at attention in silence, awaiting December's commands. Perhaps December wished to immerse herself in the destruction, to let the apocalypse wash over her, to feel, for one last time, the remnants and dust of this world. [@Hammerman] [@Rune_Alchemist] Lexus Dominiel, of course, didn't give a rat's ass about whether or not Senna and Selena could weather the storm of crumbling guild hall, though it did note with some respect the ease with which their frail-seeming bodies survived effortlessly. [quote=@BurningDaisies] [color=CCCCFF]"It wasn't supposed to happen this way."[/color] December turned to face Lexus. Her voice was sullen, but resolute. [color=CCCCFF]"This isn't the apocalypse I wanted."[/color] The supports finally collapsed and the vaulted ceiling began to cave in. With a few powerful beats of her peregrine wings, she soared upwards, and unleashed a pulverizing sonic roar at the falling debris. Destructive waves of sound blasted a hole in the stone allowing her to escape into the sky above. [/quote] Lexus Dominiel fell to its knees in reverence, but lifted its face towards December with a mechanical, grinding fury, driven by a maddening sense of failed duty. God was not pleased. Lexus Dominiel cast 'Amnesty' to temporarily release itself from the restraints of gravity, and opened its large intricately machined wings to take flight, following its Lord towards the sky. [color=a187be]"It is well that the beast of destruction has been stopped then,"[/color] Lexus Dominiel declared, coming to the conclusion that the beholder being destroyed was all part of December's divine plan. [color=a187be]"But then, are the beings of this world forgiven, or do you desire a different end? Or perhaps do you wish to have the beings of this world relearn you Name and your Laws? Shall I call the other gods together to hear your commands?"[/color] Lexus Dominiel placed the head of its hammer towards its chest and lowered its gaze in a floating bow of reverence.