[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170719/d4e4391790a9015236b7798888551163.png[/img] [/center] [center][sub][i]Losing Control[/i][/sub][/center] Ten Penny was crouched low, just on the other side of the wall from Elroy. Her makeshift knife gripped tightly and ready to flash out and strike. It was difficult to hold herself back, to wait just a few moments longer but she figured she had back up on the way since she sent that text to Thalia. Every second she stalled was one more that help would be here. A determined grimace adorned her face. Nine Penny wanted to take a deep breath to help calm down just a bit, she was full of nervous energy and her self-imposed time limit wasn’t helping. Resolutely she stayed still, poised to tear through the wall on her way to Elroy. It was going to be such a great way to start the fight. A small smirk had started to form. Eight A downside of having lightning in ones veins is at times the world seems to move in slow motion, as the brain starts to reach speed that are abnormal. Being partially robotic meant Penny was better equipped to handle this sensation than most. It didn’t stop the soft parade of fantasized images that drifted through her mind, of all the ways she could batter and break her target. Of all the destruction she could inflict on to him and this pathetic little abandoned hovel. A grin split her face. Seven The sounds of snapping wood and screeching metal were playing a melodious symphony with in Penny’s mind. She was tempted to drop her flimsy tool and just go about it with her bare hands; it would feel so much more satisfying if she did. Why was she waiting again? A sadistic smile was plainly visible. Six Penny almost jumped the gun; she wanted to shatter the stifling silence she was drowning in, to replace the ceaseless quiet with the sound of cracking stone and protesting metal. But time has slowed to a crawl thus Penny had the chance to realize just where her thoughts had deviated to. She felt horrified, she felt sick. She felt elated. Her eyes showed her panic as her smile became strained. Five Penny was frighteningly aware of where her mind was going, the need to destroy was never truly far from her mind. She always tried to keep an iron grip on it, to not give in, to retain that little piece of her humanity. Yet it had slipped away from her, and try as she might it wasn’t coming back, not before something bad happened. Unshed tears glinted in her eyes at this realization. Four It was taking everything she could to not move, to not lash out and start destroying. The thoughts felt so tempting though. She wanted to warn Alicia, but insidious traitorous thoughts kept her silent. Of what everyone said about Beacon, about the warnings people would toss in her direction at every chance. She wanted to warn the unsuspecting victim not even three feet from her, but her instincts wouldn’t let her. One does not warn prey, especially since it had strayed too close to her lair. Resignation lit her eyes, the only part of her visibly pained by what was to come. Three Silently she warred with herself, and silently she cried because she could tell which side was going to win. Despair reigned within her gaze. Two Metal is unyielding, unless treated correctly. It does not flinch in the face of over whelming odds, it either bends or it breaks. This property of metal is the reason Penny did not give up. The truth of her elements was infused in to her very nature. So when faced with the inhuman task of stopping her own decent in to madness, a rational part of her mind did not fall in to despair. Instead it bent, and flexed and found the best answer it could. Lightning is power given form, uncontrollable but one can direct it suit their needs. Penny could not stop herself for attacking, could not stop herself from lashing out. She was built to destroy, she was built to rip and tear. The thing she could do however, was chose what to attack. What she tried to destroy. One can’t control Lightning, but one can redirect it. Steely determination was shining clearly in her eyes. One Inside the garage an electronic hum could be heard as Penny spooled up for a Gauss discharge. Tearing through the wall was no longer what she was going to do. It was flimsy and weak; she could likely walk through it if she wanted. The one who stayed behind wouldn’t be going anywhere, but the one who had left was likely hiding around here somewhere nearby. She would attempt to draw them out with a round of cannon fire at the rooftops. Hope was lit once again. Zero A simple peaceful solution had been moments away, as the more level headed among the gathered talked the situation down. The other two prepared for conflict and with a thunderous roar Penny fired the first shot, aiming for roof of one of the buildings across the street. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to hit them or miss them. Her smile hope for one outcome, her eyes wished for another. Only time and luck would tell. [@BrokenPromise][@Flamelord]