Camilla blinked out of her shock as Cydric started shouting instructions. She looked dubiously at the monster as it hammered at the side of the ship with alarming force. She could hear timbers screeching and cracking even over the sounds of the crewmen's screams and curses. Sheathing her uselessly discharged pistols she took a running leap out from the top of the forecastle, catching one of the stays which had been torn loose by the beasts assault. Her battered body shrieked in protest as she took the strain but she managed to hang onto the rope, swinging on her momentum towards the ratlines towards the stern of the ship. As the momentum began to give she let go flying the last few feet to the ratline and snagging it with agile fingers. Below her the troll howled in pain and animal hunger hammering at the ship and men with equal, bestial enthusiasm. More timbers were shattering and the smaller of the two masts began to lean alarmingly. Camilla hopped gracefully onto the quater deck where a screaming Captain Kemmler was order the crew and the mercenaries to do something. What exactly she expected them to do was unclear from the woman's inarticulate screams. She couldn't tell in the dark but Camilla imagined that if the light had been better she would have seen the woman turn purple with rage. "You! What are you..." she spluttered but Camilla ignored her covering the last few feet to the tafrail lantern in two long bounds. Grasping the heavy glass navigation lantern she pulled it free of its sconce. THe thing weighed as much as a cannon ball but she struggled over to the edge of the quarter deck. For a moment she felt a hot rush of defeat, for she could see no way to get the heavy oil resoviour onto the troll. Reiner and Cydric were struggling with something, a barrel or a cask of some kind and trying to avoid being pounded to paste by the thing. Worry stole over her for a second before she forced herself to focus. Grabbing a piece of rigging she slice the hempen rope in half and hastily wrapped it around the ceramic oil reservoir. With a heave she shoved it out into space like a vast pendulum. The lantern arced over the troll and began to swing back towards the quater deck. Camilla drew one of her knives and timed her moment. At the last second she hurled the knife, slicing the razor sharp blade neatly through the rope that held the lantern. The thing fell across the troll splattering its shoulders and upper back with glittering fish smelling oil. [@POOHEAD189]