[quote=@Bishop] Does "loyalist" mean anything to you? The people don't need to like him, the general in charge of his absence needs to support him.[/quote] It's easy to be loyal to someone when they're alive. People don't have to remain loyal to someone that's dead. Roose Bolton was loyal to Robb Stark. Randyll Tarly was loyal to Olenna Tyrell. House Tyrell was loyal to Renly Baratheon. House Tyrell was loyal to House Lannister. And those are just the obvious fictional examples. Loyalty often results in betrayal for a variety of reasons, most commonly because moral principles or personal interests take precedence. Putting faith in loyal soldiers in a setting like this is just asking for an 'Et tu, Brute' moment. In a setting like this, 'loyalist' means 'when are they going to betray you'. And honestly a hypothetically dead Jack no longer holds any leashes so there would be no consequence for some disloyalty in that situation. People are complex beings and short of brainwashing how is he going to ensure loyalty, especially if he's dead and thus has zero leverage. [quote]Errr...his generals? Is there even that big a vacuum?[/quote] Depending on the number of houses and desires, yes. And again, generals aren't infallible and they don't outnumber an army of people who might not have any loyalties to their now dead king. What's keeping the generals so loyal if Jack's dead? Brainwashing? You brought up the Game of Thrones thing so I'll continue that: The War of the Five Kings was fought when Robert Baratheon died and two of the factions weren't even fighting for the [i]throne[/i] specifically. People that see an opportunity for power often will make every attempt to get it when the opportunity arises. [quote][u]Contingency plan.[/u] [b]Only the leaders that take the crown in his absence needs to support his plan.[/b][/quote] I'm sure a leader that takes the crown in the wake of Jack dying would happily be "No yeah I'll stick to the plan, Jack, you dead man." This contingency plan is putting a lot of faith in people that shouldn't have a lot of faith put in them. [quote]Come on now...he is not [b]that [/b]bad. I mean hell, it's not like he beheaded Ned Stark or killed Robb and his men at a wedding. He is not a heartless mo..oh wait he is. But here's the thing. He doesn't kill without reason and he never has. If no one messes with him, if no one ticks him off then it'll all be good...I promise.[/quote] He killed an innocent man in front of an audience because he [i]stood near a door[/i]. If that's reason enough to kill a person then he is [i]that bad[/i]. And it's not at all how you inspire loyalty in your people. The thing about people like Jack in tales like these is that they don't get happy endings. You want to play the Joffrey figure, don't expect everyone to just let you run free without consequence.