Derek couldn't help but smile when Diana pinched his cheeks. "Not you too." The whole group laughed as they went back into the building. Later that night, when curfew set into place. Everyone had gone into their rooms like they were told. After a teacher had came into everyone's room to make sure they were asleep, Derek sat up after the door was closed. He looked over at Diana. "It's kind of creepy they come to check if you're sleeping or not you know?" He whispered quietly still not making a sound. "After they check us, we are the first room they check them they go down the hall so we have to wait for like thirty minutes to even leave. The other boys in our group get to leave earlier because they're floors were already checked. You and I have to wait." Derek said really quietly leaning against the wall his bed was up against. "You know, I never really got to hear about your small town of yours. Did you not like the high school or something? Why did you come up here?" He asked. The only light that came into the room was the moons light that shined through their balcony window. "Does your family not want you there in a normal school?" Derek couldn't help but he intrigued by his new roommates previous life. Not that he really cared for his past roommates, but that's mostly because he got a long with who he thought was Damien and it was just easy to be around him. But even then he didn't really understand why he wanted to know his life like that. He thought about when he found this guy attractive. [i]Its okay to find another guy attractive.. [/i] He thought calming himself down when he was overthinking and thought he was gay. He smiled at himself. [i]No I'm not. He just sort of looks like that girl who I thought was attractive [/i] When he told himself that, he finally relaxed his shoulders.