It'd be interesting to see how many people share these 'visions' when the literal actual crazy psycho king man is out of the picture. You can't buy loyalty, especially not in citizens and especially not by forcing men to work long, harsh hours in mines. Money doesn't buy happiness and it sure as shit doesn't buy loyalty. Nor is money an infinite thing. Wars are expensive. "Oh my husband and sons died in the labor camp mine but I got a huge insurance policy so I'm over it, hail Jack". Jack can't control the people with money and fear only gets you so far. Earlier you mentioned Hitler so that cat's out of the bag. Hitler had secret police and after the war it was declared a criminal organization. So much for Jack's secret police in the event of death. As far as religion goes, what about the citizens who aren't religious? What about if the religious sorts get a bit too over-zealous? Control is not an absolute thing, especially when the king is going out of his way to make himself look like the worst person possible. Be a heartless tyrant long enough and people are going to want change. And they won't mind getting violent to make it happen. Jack can't just be a ruler that solves problems with money and murder.