Yeah, I'm sure the people that saw him openly kill a guy for no reason are just dying to keep that fact private. And I'm sure 'changing minds' is doing wonders for his reputation back home. Generals and lords do not outnumber soldiers. Nor do they outnumber a population of people who could revolt. Revolutions are a very real concept and it's not too far a stretch to think a people that have been shit upon and who live in fear couldn't be brought together to change things. And as of now, Jack isn't doing his people any favors nor has he been shown to be [i]good[/i] at ruling. How does Jack plan to keep his legacy when he's doing everything possible short of straight up stabbing Maddox to ensure it all crumbles at the slightest provocation. Jack isn't acting like a king, he's acting like what a child assumes a king is like.