Diana listened calmly. She wasn't too surprised to hear he came from a big name and a wealthy family, given how Derek had so naturally paid for his friend's meals and looked well kept. His parents so heavily wanting their son to be perfect must have been stressful for him. They wanted him to have the perfect education, perfect girl, perfect everything so he himself could be perfect and live up to the family name. She felt sympathy for him. Something she was surprised to hear about was his view on relationships and girls. "Oh, so you never actually dated Cadence?" She observed. Given how clingy she was towards him, it was easy for her to assume they were an item. As he admitted he knew she was only using him for money, her heart broke a little both in pity for him and knowing her ex best friend had changed for the worse. "Listen, dude, I'm no 'love expert' but if you don't see a future with Cadence, just drop her once and for all. This isn't a game of House. We're all growing up and we need to decide what's best for ourselves." Diana slid off her bed and slipped on her Nike shoes. Continuing, she added, "If you really want to live your life as a bachelor, that's fine. But I [i]know[/i] you'll find somebody perfect for you someday. All you have to do is open your heart to them." That went deep. Diana grabbed her phone off the charger and slid it into the pocket of her hoodie. Since she was heading out again anyway, she had never bothered changing clothes before slipping into bed.