Does Jack think everyone is in favor of him? In the loosest sense of the word he is, at this moment in the RP, surrounded by enemies given where he's at and he's done absolutely NOTHING to earn favor with them or show that he's a decent person let alone king. By all accounts this is a diplomatic undertaking and it's been all of ten minutes and Jack's murdered for no reason. What does that say to the witnesses? What does that say for the tension between the kingdoms? It doesn't make Jack look strong. In the event of war, something like that could absolutely be used to inspire Maddox's kingdom. Hence he is surrounded by enemies. And even back in his home turf he'd be crazy to think everyone there is in favor of him. Even [i]good[/i] kings have people in the opposition. What happens when the mines run dry. Jack isn't creating jobs so much as he's forcing people to work. [i]Every man[/i]. What about people who have other professions? Are they taken from their businesses and forced to the mines? What if they have a condition that makes them unfit to work the mines? Are they told "Oh it's fine you can do something else?" Because when you suggest that every man is forced to work the mines, it starts sounding like slavery despite claims to the contrary. And again, money is not infinite and if elderly or unfit people are dying in the mines, that's going to bleed through money because forcing people to work like that is not sustainable long term. Trade alone won't keep a kingdom flourishing, not if there's constant settlements because people develop black lung and die. You can't possibly assume that every citizen is happy with this arrangement. As for where the revolution would start, how about people that have been spurned by Jack? People that see him for what he is? Why not someone closer to home even? Public opinion changes on a whim and he can't possibly control the masses with "But I give you money when your family dies" when he's also having people killed because they dare voice a negative opinion of the guy. Treat people like cattle and don't be shocked when they start a stampede.