[@Fabricant451] LOL, mines don't run that fast. And I wasn't speaking for the lords and ladies of Abhain. [quote]Even [u][b][i]good[/i][/b][/u] kings have people in the opposition.[/quote] What opposition? There is no opposition. There might be those who conspire against him, and like many others before them they will be weeded out and grabbed by the roots. For those who excel at their chosen talent they keep doing what they do best. Geniuses always shine no matter the age. For the others, it is the mine for them. For those who are too weak to work the mines they can do something else or have their family provide for them. Think about it. You have old man with a family that they want to take care off begging to work at the mines as they plan to die there and want to leave their family some money. I mean, who would want someone in their family that can't work, doesn't provide for it and only takes? And my bad on the age grouping. People could barely get to 50s let alone 60s. I've messed some numbers up I see. Will get to fix them later. And....uhhh.....yes my dear. You can very well treat people like cattle to keep them in control. Give them something good with a fat doze of "you know what happens to you when you do that" and get them all in check. Edit: And the propaganda. Forgot to mention it this time.