[CENTER][H2][b][color=GREENYELLOW]E P I S O D E V: LIZARD[/color][/b][/H2][/CENTER] Lizard was in a slight confusion - seeing everybody turning into what resembled her parents. Well, not something she wasn't used to - the problem was when some of them, turned into more monstorous versions and tried to attack the others. She hated to do this - but otherwise, despite how weird their situation was it could get ugly fast. Old people weren't the most enduring of folks. As such, when she saw Warden go after Rose and Gypsy - the reptile girl sadly had to act. [color=GREENYELLOW]"Sorry...Warden..."[/color] spoke, launching herself forward and slamming her shoulder into the tangling vine-man - to launch away from the elderly and away from injuring them heavily. She quickly then jumped into the air, and smashed the vine-snake, that had been going towards Rose underneath her foot. It felt slimy but she stomped on it - till it stopped moving. [color=GREENYELLOW]"Rose...Rose...Rose...Lizard here, I am coming from side...trust me,"[/color] she spoke - noticing that the old woman was panicking. Like her grandma used to do when she couldn't find her glasses and was blind as a bat. Lizard quickly moved and picked her up, providing her with stability. Then quickly moving and evacuating her to the safe room - or in this case, the Monitor Room. It was likely the safest place she could think of - or rather the only place, where she could simply brace the doors and smack anyone that would try to enter the place. [color=GREENYELLOW]"I will place you here. I will be back soon Rose, keep calm and don't try to swing that blade too much...you will injure someone, be back quickly,"[/color] spoke Lizard, making sure to repeat herself and speak in a slow yet high tone. To make sure she heard it or atleast understood it. Soon enough, Lizard quickly ran back to get the others away - making sure to take along Q and Superman. [color=GREENYELLOW]"You guys got any ideas? Come on now...I can't handle you all by myself,"[/color] she spoke - carrying them also away from the fighting.