[center][h1][color=lemonchiffon]EPISODE V: Apollex[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] Apollex stared down at her knobbly knees in shock. Her fingers met dry silver hair and split ends when she reached to touch it. She glanced in a reflective surface and found that she looked like her dear old Nana Farrell. She even had wrinkles! And she smelled like lemon cleaning detergent and mothballs. Not the best of smells. [color=lemonchiffon]"What the-"[/color] That was before she tried to take a step and nearly fell over. She looked around at her comrades, eyes straining against all of the various lights in the room. She noticed The Rookie ([@Sir Lurksalot]) battling it out with Monny and made to go to them. She was slower, much slower than she was supposed to be. Her knees buckled under her weight and she swore as she tried to haul herself up right again. Did she really need a walking stick? [color=lemonchiffon]"Don't worry, Rookie! I'm coming to help!"[/color]She coughed. As she made her way through the space she looked around at her fellow elders. They all looked like her grandparents back at home and if there wasn't some sort of battle going on she would've found it comical. What she didn't find comical, however, was how some of the supposed heroes had suddenly turned into loathsome creatures. Honestly, they were all going to kill each other and she wasn't even sure if her healing powers worked. Damn it all.