[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/a6RYmyh.png[/img] [@Plank Sinatra][/center] [b]"Yeah, you've sketched a whole bunch. Sketched me out!"[/b] How on earth would that even measure for-- I very quickly decided not to follow that train of thought, for fear of coming up with the obvious answer, and instead focused upon the other egregious offender in that list. Lawnslot being a tonfa and shotgun both allowed for-- No. Stop. Not happening. [b]"What kind of microchip contains your kindergarten time-out record?!"[/b] Really, everything else was at least a physical measurement... Lauren simply continued to throw her winningly radiant smile at me. Well, if anyone would find a way... [b]"At any rate, this certainly covers a lot of bases with those three functions."[/b] A sword and shield for a defensive approach. A ballista for long ranges, making closing in more a choice than a necessity. A battleaxe for taking big things down where neither of the former two modes had enough sheer stopping power to cut it. Like a Manticore. [b]"Come to think of it,"[/b] I ventured, eyeing the base weapon as it sank further into the fields of Elysium. [b]"If Lawnslot retains its original functionality, you've also got a shotgun in that thing too, don't you? 'White Bronco's' gonna have something for just about every situation, if you back that with dust cartridges."[/b] Impressive ideacrafting... You'd expect nothing less from a girl who conned you at every turn, but her brain obviously wasn't single-track like yours truly. When she earnestly wanted to get something done, it was just as sharp as when she wanted to swindle you out of your wallet, well-founded concern, or innocence. Admirable versatility was her middle name. Ah, to speak of Lawnslot, Dust Cartridges, and versatility... I quietly laid out my own drawings, looked over and cleaned up by Ben during some downtime in Math the period before, and indicated the bottom half of my general concept for my own new weapon. [b]"Hey, if it's not any trouble, would you mind letting me take a look at Lawnslot today? I'm not planning on swiping it from you, or anything, I just need to get an eye for how it works as a firearm— I unfortunately didn't get too much of an education on gunsmithing, so I need a base template to work off of."[/b] I frowned. [b]"And, with Cian being moved to another team, we're down a long range weapon— so a shotgun at the end of a Bec de Corbin's better than nothing."[/b] It wasn't at all that I didn't welcome Skye aboard with anything aside from open arms— but Cian's departure in Ozpin's grand reshuffling scheme left us with a very, very wide hole in our situational coverage, to put things mildly. Even if I were a heartless pragmatist, I'd be missing her. Thankfully, though, I'm not. I have human reasons to miss my first friend here. Stay strong, little rabbit... It was an unfortunate side effect to an unfortunate event— not the unfortunate event itself. If I could emulate 'White Bronco' with 'Crow's Beak' in its versatility, it would at least be able to deal with the side effect. [b]"With how minimalist I would assume Lawnslot is to still be an effective tonfa— I'd imagine taking cues from it would help me avoid throwing off the weight and balance of the polearm when it's whole."[/b] Any more that it would need to be, with the spike on top being a drill and all... [b]"Only if you can spare it, though. If you're gonna be needing all day..."[/b] My finger drifted up towards the gnarly head of the conceptual weapon, lazily circling the cornucopia of attack options it bore. [b]"I can just work on all this. No biggie."[/b]