[img]https://i.imgur.com/YnD6T41.png[/img] [h1]Ezra[/h1] Ezra had made his way to the classroom after getting changed. He wasn't particularly fond of the school uniform, but he had taken some liberties with his footwear on this occassion as they were still pretty sore from kicking a gigantic stone tablet into rubble. He was at least happy that he could look fresh on his feet if nowhere else. Letting out a small, slightly arrogant smile, he approached the door with his natural aura becoming more and more prominent as he got closer and closer. It didn't hold the power of a quirk, or something akin to All-Might's natural presence, but it held strength from a commanding standpoint. It was almost as if he was telling people to respect him without doing anything, natural imposition in essence. However, his small grin didn't last for long. When he came into the classroom, it was somewhat of a shitshow. It hadn't started yet, and there was people lying on top of one another and all sorts of crazy shit. Ezra was pretty used to this, as things tended to be worse than the current events that were taking place even when a teacher was present in the room. He knew he couldn't pull that in this caliber of school though, so he was confused as to why everybody was dicking about when they should be trying to look presentable and intelligent in case a member of staff were to walk in. It annoyed him that he was seemingly the only person thinking this way when there were plenty of wealthy people in here. His eyes lit up as he spotted Jett. He had a cracking fight against him a small while ago, and honestly, didn't like not having a win on his record. A draw was nothing to be ashamed about, but he was annoyed that he hadn't flat-out won. It gave him something to look forward to, if anything though. He analysed the room for other faces he could garner interest in, and spotted a girl that was taller than him.. wait what?! Somebody was actually taller than him, and it was a fucking girl? Was he hallucinating? He was already a ridiculous size for a Japanese teen, especially at his age, but for somebody to be at least 3 inches taller than him was absurd. He had only really noted it amongst adults, and they tended to be foreigners, but this one was Japanese too as far as he could tell. He didn't want to talk to her, as she appeared to be swamped, but he didn't particularly feel safe around her. She had the same aura as certain gangsters that he used to live near, and if that meant anything, it struck him as dangerous. Not that he didn't like a threat, but he wasn't exactly looking for them, else he wouldn't have come to this academy. Ezra continued scanning the room until he had found somebody of interest. The blonde girl that had supposedly drew Kenichi to a tie. If what he had heard was true, Kenichi was one of the strongest students in the class, so a girl like her who looked relatively unimposing and didn't particularly hold a strong presence at all to her was.. fascinating to him. He tended to be able to smell out the strongest in a room not purely based on appearance and body types, but also based on presence, but this girl was sort of like a happier version of the depressed gravity one that had fought Acion. He figured he'd speak to her. "Yo, heard you slapped up the main character? How'd'ya manage that?" he spoke with his accent coming out strong yet again as he stared her down. It wasn't supposed to be threatening or rude but it would seem to come across that way to her or anyone viewing the scene. Ezra was genuinely trying to see what type of power she must have had to beat the kid. He cracked his knuckles and his wrists as he talked, it was a trait that he had that made him feel more comfortable as he talked. [@Feyblue]