[@Eklispe][@LokiLeo789] [b]Gratia Mindaro - Armoury[/b] "[color=66cd00]Surprising description to receive from a fucking lion.[/color]" Gratia Mindaro's tone was as flat and emotionless as always, her cadence changing not even a single iota as she unravelled a coil of wiring, one hand reaching for the clippers even as the thin conductors slowly flowed through the fingers of the other. Though she had finally deigned to address her newest teammate, the stoic Mistralese girl's onyx eyes did not flicker his direction even once, and instead continued to focus on the project sitting on the desk. The scent of burning solder was still detectable, the iron currently resting on its stand rather than held between her hands. Her priority for the time being was to set up the rangefinder in her contraption, and until the wiring was completed, there was no need for her to make use of it for the time being. Not that it would be long; she had already planned out the shape of the circuit, and a rough sketch, its lines sharp and notes written in a clinical, almost mechanical handwriting, sat nearby, ready to remind her of what steps she needed to take. The Frankenstein-esque creation would still look incredibly shitty, and the arrangement of the wires only contributed to that, but the judgement of the ignorant masses was far too unimportant to consider. It was a prototype, so it could look like a fetus after a run-in with a coathanger for all she cared. Turning it into something that looked more respectable than the vomit-inducing crap in Venetia's wardrobe could wait until later. Making sure it would work was more important. No, it would definitely work. She knew it would. All she needed to do was, once the prototype had been completed, to rid it of any annoying bullshit that could crop up during operation. A piece of wire was clipped off, and Gratia lowered the end to another pin, carefully noting the change in current being measured by a multimeter. She was making progress.