[quote=@Bishop] [@Fabricant451] You think that if hitler died, without the major military strat fuck ups taking place, there wouldn't be a new hitler? Hitler had a vision, shared by everyone who was under him. How did he plan to keep his empire for 1000 years if him dying meant the end of everything?[/quote] Apologies for my intrusion, though I had to poke my head into proceedings here since the Second World War is something of a passing interest of mine. There actually wouldn't have been a new Hitler if anything had happened to him, there were many figures in the hierarchy who were waiting for an opportunity to assume power. No ruler has complete control, even in regimes that are under tight dictatorships. Every ruler has enemies, sometimes those enemies are a lot closer to home than you realise. For example, Rudolf Hess took it upon himself in 1941 to fly over to the United Kingdom and start arranging peace talks without any authorisation from Hitler. Look at the colourful array of characters that Hitler surrounded himself with - Heinrich Himmler, Hermann Göring, Albert Speer, etc. Loyal, perhaps - but all too eager and willing to assume direct control. Actually, Speer is a great example here since he was close to Hitler and yet openly disobeyed his orders from 1943 (or was it '44? I forget, but sometime late in the war) onward - he refused to carry out the 'scorched earth' order, but I digress. Just figured I'd be an uninvited guest and throw some unwanted history lesson toward you. Also, on another note - more or less forcing your adult male population to work in mining operations is going to damage your approval rating as a leader, not to mention you kind of need that manpower for your standing army, which I assume you have. Apologies once again!