[@PaulHaynek] [hr] [h2] Nick's House: Dolly’s bedroom [/h2] [hr] [quote=Nick] “No problem. Good night, Dolly. Well, good morning actually.” [/quote] Dolly slept for most of that day. Rolling through her bed, she did reach for herself. Grabbing and rubbing everywhere. She started grabbing through her bed too, like she was in search of something. Though she did not say much, she dreamed of being in a fairy candy-land. She grabbed everywhere as she dreamed it would slip right by her fingers. After a few hours of silence, her head got a firm hold of the floor. She might have been asleep, but by the time she woke up, she was half naked and on the floor. If only, it wouldn’t be a full moon this evening… She knew what would happen. She knew she would get all overwhelmed again. Her primal instinct would take over. But he was such a nice guy… By the time she was done thinking about the full moon, she noticed how she was on the floor. “Applesauce!” She would swear to herself. "Why did he have to be good looking, kind and on the right side of the law…?" Nick was just too desirable with his big strong arms.. and his pretty smile… and his.. oh… she almost turned to jello when she thought about him. After a few moments the idea dawned on her that she might not be able to see because it was already late. "Wait.. what time is it?"